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I live in Emmauss. It is my home land.WELCOME TO Emmauss
Компьютерная презентация обучающейся  8a класса МОУ «Эммаусская СОШ» I live in Emmauss. It is my home land.WELCOME TO Emmauss It is situated near Tver on the upper Volqa .Emmauss EmmaussContinent: EuroasiaPopulation:3586Language: Russian	Currency: rublesTOURISM   Emmauss is one of the most It is famous for the Serov’s museum and the museum of Kalininskogo Fronta. Victory day.We remember those who did not come back from the war. We often put the flowers to the monuments to those who saved the world. We are proud of оur Church Winter Spring Summer Autumn Emmauss is beautiful in all seasons. The Volqa is a symbol of our Motherland for many Russian people. You can rest and enjoy yourself in the «Emmaus Volga Club», in the forest, or listen to the music at the festival “Gatherings”. I study at school in the 8 form.  I like You are welcome!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
I live in Emmauss. It is my home

I live in Emmauss. It is my home land.WELCOME TO Emmauss


Слайд 3 It is situated near Tver on the upper

It is situated near Tver on the upper Volqa .Emmauss

Volqa .


Слайд 4 Emmauss
Continent: Euroasia
Language: Russian
Currency: rubles
Emmauss is

EmmaussContinent: EuroasiaPopulation:3586Language: Russian	Currency: rublesTOURISM  Emmauss is one of the most

one of the most beautiful places.It has nice landscapes,

museums, monuments, shops, green forests, beaches. It’s a great place to visit.

Слайд 5
It is famous for the Serov’s museum

It is famous for the Serov’s museum and the museum of Kalininskogo Fronta.

and the museum of Kalininskogo Fronta.

Слайд 6 Victory day.
We remember those who did not come

Victory day.We remember those who did not come back from the war.

back from the war.

Слайд 7 We often put the flowers to the monuments

We often put the flowers to the monuments to those who saved the world.

to those who saved the world.

Слайд 8
We are proud of оur Church "Joy and

We are proud of оur Church


Слайд 9 Winter
Emmauss is

Winter Spring Summer Autumn Emmauss is beautiful in all seasons.

beautiful in all seasons.

Слайд 10 The Volqa is a symbol of our Motherland

The Volqa is a symbol of our Motherland for many Russian people.

for many Russian people.

Слайд 11 You can rest and enjoy yourself in the «Emmaus

You can rest and enjoy yourself in the «Emmaus Volga Club»,

Volga Club»,

Слайд 12 in the forest,

in the forest,

Слайд 13 or listen to the music at the festival

or listen to the music at the festival “Gatherings”.


Слайд 14 I study at school in the 8

I study at school in the 8 form. I like

form. I like my Emmauss and invite you to

visit it.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angliyskom-yazyke-moya-malaya-rodina.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 296
  • Количество скачиваний: 1