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Презентация на тему Урок-повторение и закрепление изученного материала во 2 классе по английскому языку.

Today we are going to see our friends again
Back together!!! Today we are going to see our friends again Listen to a song, please! Imagine that you don’t know  each other.  Introduce yourself Let’s have a break!-Look at me and do with me!-We are swimming!-We Look at the chart at page 5. You have
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Today we are going to see our friends

Today we are going to see our friends again


Слайд 3 Listen to a song, please!

Listen to a song, please!

Слайд 4 Imagine that you don’t know each other. Introduce

Imagine that you don’t know each other. Introduce yourself to

yourself to someone new.

-Hello! My name’s Irina Alexandrovna. What’

your name?
-Hello! I’m Lena. (My name’s Lena.)
- Nice to meet you, Lena.

Слайд 5 Let’s have a break!
-Look at me and do

Let’s have a break!-Look at me and do with me!-We are

with me!
-We are swimming!
-We are playing soccer!
-We are dancing!

are playing basketball!
-We are drawing!
-We are riding a bike!

  • Имя файла: urok-povtorenie-i-zakreplenie-izuchennogo-materiala-vo-2-klasse-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 133
  • Количество скачиваний: 0