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Презентация на тему к открытому уроку My Native Town

A PRONUNCIATION DRILL (SOUNDS [b] - [p]) 1. Listen, look and say:
A PRONUNCIATION DRILL (SOUNDS [b] - [p]) 1. Listen, look and say: A PRONUNCIATION DRILL (SOUNDS [b] - [p])2. Listen, look and say:The plane A PRONUNCIATION DRILL (SOUNDS [b] - [p])3. Try to read the following ACTIVE VOCABULARY:1. Read the words that are not connected with the topic “My Native Town”: 2. Do the crossword on the topic “My Native Town”: Look through the list of words and fill in the gaps: monument, QUESTIONNAIRE “How do you like your native town or city?” Complete the Useful Phrases: Useful Phrases:I’d like to live in a place where there is / “The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.” Listen to the interview with Todd Bridges – a successful tennis player Test your knowledge: Choose the correct variant: 1. We use … Revise the rule! HOMEWORKRevise the material and be ready to answer the questions:What do you Thank you very much for your attention and your work!!!
Слайды презентации

1. Listen, look

A PRONUNCIATION DRILL (SOUNDS [b] - [p]) 1. Listen, look and say:

and say:

2. Listen, look

A PRONUNCIATION DRILL (SOUNDS [b] - [p])2. Listen, look and say:The

and say:

The plane will land in approximately 20 minutes.

John pushed the boat away from the bank.
What is the population of Belarus?
I like the beauty of the New England landscape in autumn.
Bring a passport as proof of identity.
The building took two years to complete.

3. Try to

A PRONUNCIATION DRILL (SOUNDS [b] - [p])3. Try to read the

read the following tongue-twister as fast as you can:

A big black bug bit a big black bear,
Then a big black bear bit the big black bug.
And when the big black bear bit the big black bug,
Then the big black bug bit the big black bear.

1. Read the words that are not

ACTIVE VOCABULARY:1. Read the words that are not connected with the topic “My Native Town”:

connected with the topic “My Native Town”:

Слайд 7 2. Do the crossword on the topic “My

2. Do the crossword on the topic “My Native Town”:

Native Town”:

Слайд 9

Look through the list of words and fill

Look through the list of words and fill in the gaps:

in the gaps: monument, villages, native, local, landscape, countryside,

settlements, population
Most Belarusian people are more at home in the 1) … than in the city. Though 64 per cent of the 2) … live in towns and cities nearly half of them have moved there only recently. Their hearts and roots are still at the 3) … place where they were born.
There is no other place like a countryside for those who have learned in childhood to love its monotonous 4) … with innumerable lakes, rivers, forests and fields, its small quiet
5) … and modern 6) …. I do love all that. I like the village with its winding streets, 7) … people, green carpets of meadows. I like standing on the highest hill, where there is a
8) … to those killed in action during World War II.

Слайд 10 QUESTIONNAIRE “How do you like your native town or

QUESTIONNAIRE “How do you like your native town or city?” Complete

Complete the questionnaire, and then discuss your answers

with your partner:

Слайд 12 Useful Phrases:

Useful Phrases:

Слайд 13
Useful Phrases:

I’d like to live in a place

Useful Phrases:I’d like to live in a place where there is

where there is / there are …
………. a nice

quiet river.
……… clean and green streets.
………. clean air.
………. entertainment for young people.
………. many museums, theatres and parks.
………. free public transport.

Слайд 14 “The world is
a book,
and those

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.”

do not travel,
read only a page.”

Слайд 15

Listen to the interview with Todd Bridges –

Listen to the interview with Todd Bridges – a successful tennis

a successful tennis player attentively.
Before you listen, read the

words and questions.
Melbourne – Мельбурн
Tennis Open – соревнования по теннису
cosmopolitan – космополитический
Dubai – Дубаи
to imagine – представлять себе, воображать
Answer the questions:
Where did Todd go last year?
When is summer in Melbourne?
When was Todd in Dubai?
Did Todd enjoy Dubai?
When is Paris especially romantic?

Слайд 16

Test your knowledge:
Choose the correct variant:

Test your knowledge: Choose the correct variant: 1. We use

We use … for the comparative degree of adjectives

with one syllable.
a) -est c) more
b) -er d) the most

2. We use … for the comparative degree of adjectives with two and more syllables.
a) -est c) more
b) –er d) the most

3. We use … for the superlative degree of adjectives with one syllable.
a) -est c) more
b) -er d) the most

4. We use … for the superlative degree of adjectives with two and more syllables.
a) -est c) more
b) -er d) the most

Слайд 17 Revise the rule!

Revise the rule!

Слайд 18

Melbourne was interesting, but for me, Paris
was … than Melbourne, and in some ways
Dubai was … of all because it was so different
from any other place I know. It was also …,
driest, and … . It was hot in Melbourne but
not … in Dubai. Dubai was much …! Melbourne
is much … than Dubai but not … Paris.
Paris was … city I visited, but it has some
great modern buildings, too.
It was … place. I loved it!

!!! Listen to the second part of the conversation with Todd and complete the text with missed words. Say what degree of comparison (comparative or superlative) is used in these sentences.

Revise the material and be ready to answer

HOMEWORKRevise the material and be ready to answer the questions:What do

the questions:
What do you like best about living in

What would you miss if you had to live abroad?
Living in Belarus. Advantages and disadvantages.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-otkrytomu-uroku-my-native-town.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 203
  • Количество скачиваний: 1