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Презентация на тему к уроку на тему Планы подростков на будущее

The 7th of April. Thursday.I wish you… Good luckSuccessTo be activeTo be carefulGood workTo be the best
Form 6 aTeenagers` plans of future The 7th of April. Thursday.I wish you… Good luckSuccessTo be activeTo be Make a cluster “going to” going to Оборот “going to” to be + going + to + Infinitiveam/is/are + Listen and repeat visit [ˈvɪzɪt], v - посетить birthday [ˈbɜːθdeɪ], n – Complete the textOn Saturday I am going to ______ my grandmother. Answer the questions1. Who is going to visit Alan`s grandmother?2. Who is Ask and answer the questions1. Who is going to visit Alan`s grandmother?- True or false1. On Monday I am going to visit my grandmother.5. I feel positive emotions …   I feel negative emotions …Reflection
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The 7th of April. Thursday.
I wish you…

The 7th of April. Thursday.I wish you… Good luckSuccessTo be activeTo

To be active

To be careful
Good work
To be the best

Слайд 3 Make a cluster “going to”
going to

Make a cluster “going to” going to

Слайд 4 Оборот “going to”
to be + going +

Оборот “going to” to be + going + to + Infinitiveam/is/are

to + Infinitive

am/is/are + going to + Infinitive

Am/Is/Are +

going to + Infinitive

am/is/are+not+going to+Infinitive

Слайд 5 Listen and repeat
visit [ˈvɪzɪt], v - посетить

Listen and repeat visit [ˈvɪzɪt], v - посетить birthday [ˈbɜːθdeɪ], n

birthday [ˈbɜːθdeɪ], n – день рождения
balloon [bəˈluːn], n

– шарик
present [prɪˈzent], n – подарок
flower [ˈflaʊə], n – цветок
take [teɪk], v – брать
think [ˈθɪŋk], v – думать

Слайд 6 Complete the text
On Saturday I am going to

Complete the textOn Saturday I am going to ______ my grandmother.

______ my grandmother. It`s her _________. My sister

and I have _______. I am going to take a birthday _______ for my grandmother. Mum and Dad are going to take ______. We are going to my grandmother ______. We are going to ____ our dog. I _____ my grandmother will be happy.







by car


Слайд 7 Answer the questions
1. Who is going to visit

Answer the questions1. Who is going to visit Alan`s grandmother?2. Who

Alan`s grandmother?
2. Who is going to take flowers to

Alan`s grandmother?
3. What`s Alan going to take?
4. Are they going to take the dog?

Слайд 8 Ask and answer the questions
1. Who is going

Ask and answer the questions1. Who is going to visit Alan`s

to visit Alan`s grandmother?
- Alan and his Mum, Dad

are going to visit her.
2. Who is going to take flowers to Alan`s grandmother?
- Mum and Dad are going to buy flowers.
3. What`s Alan going to take?
- I am going to take are birthday present.
4. Are they going to take the dog?
- We are going to take our dog.

Слайд 9 True or false
1. On Monday I am going

True or false1. On Monday I am going to visit my

to visit my grandmother.
5. We are going to my

grandmother by plane.

6. I think my grandfather will be happy.

2. It`s her birthday.

3. My sister and I have balloons.

4. I am going to take a birthday present for my grandmother.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-na-temu-plany-podrostkov-na-budushchee.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0