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Презентация на тему Урок -конкурс по английскому языку

Find the English words as many as possible.
Warm up.  1.What does the sun look like?  2.What does Find the English words as many as possible. Add the letters to form the words. GUESS the NAME of a CITY. Give the Russian equivalents of the English proverbs. 1.Never put off till Do you know the sights of London? Guess the name of a woman.Instead of numerals you should write down Elizabeth II Finish the Sentences:1.The oldest part of London is …2.The richest and the Match the names and the surnames of the famous British people. Choose the right variant. 1)English people like to drink a) coffee; b)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Find the English words as many as possible.

Find the English words as many as possible.

Слайд 3

BEN  Ben


is a schoolboy. Every day he puts on his coat and a …, takes his … and goes to school.
When Ben comes to school he sees a large … on the wall. He likes to look at it.
Ben’s teacher is a …, not a woman. His name is Peter Brown.
Ben is a good pupil. He … read and write very well.
Ben … many friends at school and at home too. His best friend at school is … . One of his friends at home is his … . It’s name is Pussy. His cat is very … .

Слайд 4 Add the letters to form the words.

Add the letters to form the words.    Add

Add the letters to form the words.


Слайд 5 GUESS the NAME of a CITY.


Слайд 6 Give the Russian equivalents of the English proverbs.

Give the Russian equivalents of the English proverbs. 1.Never put off

1.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do

2.To call things by their names.
3.Four eyes see more than two.
4.All is well, that ends well.
5.East or West home is best.
6.It is never too late to learn.
7.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
8.Better late than never.
9.A good name is better than riches.
10.To get out of bed the wrong side.
11.The devil is not so black as he is painted.

Слайд 7 Do you know the sights of London?

Do you know the sights of London?

Слайд 16 Guess the name of a woman.
Instead of numerals

Guess the name of a woman.Instead of numerals you should write

you should write down the letters from the English

alphabet and read the name
of a woman.

5 12 9 26 1 2 5 20 8

Слайд 17 Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II

Слайд 19 Finish the Sentences:
1.The oldest part of London is

Finish the Sentences:1.The oldest part of London is …2.The richest and

2.The richest and the most beautiful part of London

is …
3.The industrial district of London is called …
4.The official residence of Prime Minister is in …
5.The official residence of the English Queen is …
6.The name of the central square in London is…

Слайд 20 Match the names and the surnames of the

Match the names and the surnames of the famous British people.

famous British people.
1. Charlie

a) Kipling
2. William b) Darwin
3. George c) Chaplin
4. Charles d) Brontё
5. Rudyard e) Shakespeare
6. Charlotte f) Christie
7. Agatha g) Byron

  • Имя файла: urok-konkurs-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 160
  • Количество скачиваний: 0