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Задачи урока:
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Аудиозапись к УМК «Happy English. ru» К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман, Unit 2
Видеозапись «Юный эколог»
Персональные компьютеры
Water pollution
Trees are cut down
II. Listening and Writing Skills Activities
Listen to the poem and answer the question: What are the main environmental problems of today raised in the poem?
3. You can have a bath or a shower
But today is the time to think.
Save the rivers because without them
You'll have no water to drink.
4. Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look:
Don't kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture books.
Read the poem and give it a name. Choose from:
1. Today and tomorrow! 2. Save the environment!
3. Oceans, forests and animals! 4. Please, stop!
Explain your choice
1) We damage nature.
2) We break the trees.
3)We leave litter in the forests.
4) We cut down the trees.
5) We drop litter in the river
and seas.
a) We destroy the forest.
b) We hurt animals.
c) We kill our planet
d) We cause land pollution.
e) We cause water pollution
Speaking Skills Activities
III. Main part. Project.
Problem statement Video
VI. Home task
to speak on urgent environmental problems in our town.