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Презентация на тему по английскому языку A trip to London

A TRIP TO LONDON Учитель английского языкаМОУ «СОШ № 3» г. НовомосковскГайтанова И.А.A TRIP TO LONDON
You watched a film and guess what is the topic of our lesson? A TRIP TO LONDON Учитель английского языкаМОУ «СОШ № 3» г. НовомосковскГайтанова И.А.A TRIP TO LONDON The dialog I have some news for you. Do you? What museum      gallery The famous clock is…The coronation of all British Kings and Queens The famous clock is…The coronation of all British Kings and Queens The British__________________Big________________________The river____________________West minster_________________Buckingham_________________The Houses of________________Trafalgar_____________________The Tower of_________________COMPLETE: Let is see whether you are ready to travel to London. First Children take your places in the bus we go to the mr. Answer questions:What is the capital of Great Britain?What do you know the Hometask: Write down your home task. Ex 21,22 p.67Complete a story about The lesson is over. Thank you for the work. Goodbye!
Слайды презентации


Учитель английского языка

A TRIP TO LONDON Учитель английского языкаМОУ «СОШ № 3» г. НовомосковскГайтанова И.А.A TRIP TO LONDON

№ 3» г. Новомосковск
Гайтанова И.А.

Слайд 3

The dialog

I have some news for

The dialog I have some news for you. Do you?

Do you? What kind of news?
Mr. Stephen

Wooding wants to invite you to his school.
Really! Oh, how nice of him. When can we visit his school?
Right now.
Fantastic! Thank you.


Слайд 4 museum gallery

museum   gallery    theatre cinema



stadium park

parliament history square

taxi radio symbol

abbey real monument


Слайд 5 The famous clock is…

The coronation of all

The famous clock is…The coronation of all British Kings and

British Kings and Queens takes place in…

It is one

of the famous bridges across the Thames…

It is an ancident fortress in London…

Guess the word:

Слайд 6 The famous clock is…

The coronation of all

The famous clock is…The coronation of all British Kings and

British Kings and Queens takes place in…

It is one

of the famous bridges across the Thames…

It is an ancident fortress in London…

Check yourselves:

Слайд 7
The British__________________
The river____________________
West minster_________________
The Houses of________________
The Tower of_________________


The British__________________Big________________________The river____________________West minster_________________Buckingham_________________The Houses of________________Trafalgar_____________________The Tower of_________________COMPLETE:

Слайд 8 Let is see whether you are ready to

Let is see whether you are ready to travel to London.

travel to London. First of all everybody of us

must have a badge. EXAMPLE:

Слайд 9 Children take your places in the bus we

Children take your places in the bus we go to the

go to the mr. Stephen Wooding school. Let is

sing our songs all together.

Слайд 10 Answer questions:

What is the capital of Great Britain?


Answer questions:What is the capital of Great Britain?What do you know

do you know the Bloody Tower?

What does the legend

say about Westmister Abbey?

Where it the official London residence of the Queen?

What it the name of the biggest clock in Britain?

Слайд 11 Hometask:
Write down your home task. Ex 21,22 p.67


Hometask: Write down your home task. Ex 21,22 p.67Complete a story

a story about London.

Find different information about history of


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-a-trip-to-london.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0