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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка на тему Рождество (6 класс)

Christmas in Great Britain1. Warm-up2. Revising the words3. Reading4. Listening5. Speaking12
January, 23ClassworkChristmas in Great Britain Christmas in Great Britain1. Warm-up2. Revising the words3. Reading4. Listening5. Speaking12 Santa Claus is on his way. He's coming. Santa Claus is on 2. Revising the wordsChristmas fireplace (Christmas) stocking Santa Claus handbell gifts write letters cards turkey ChristmasfireplacestockingSanta ClausFather Christmashandbellgiftswrite letterscardsturkey Match the pairs1. decorate2. send3. write4. listen to5. have6. celebrate7. prepare 8. 3. Reading: Fill in the gapsVariant 1:Ex. 6 p.131Variant 2:1 - 78 - 13 Fill in the gaps1. December 2. born3. decorate4. gifts5. cards6. hang7. fireplace8. Assess Variant 1:Variant 2:1. when people celebrate Christmas2. if families decorate X-mas trees3. «5» - score 3 «4» - score 2«3» - score 1 Assess Pair Work: Speaking1. celebrate (December 25)2. Jesus Christ3. hang their stockings4. Santa Claus5. big dinners6. turkey Assess«5» - 6 sentences«4» - 4-5 sentences«3» - 2-3 sentences Let’s have fun 4. ListeningEx. 1 p.137Key:1. c2. a3. b4. c «5» - score 4«4» - score 3 «3» - score 1-2 Assess b + cook + s= books t + boy + s= toys st + clock + ring= stocking = chessch + press 5. Speaking 5. Speaking «5» - 7 sentences«4» - 5-6 sentences«3» - 2-4 sentencesAssess Homeworkspeak about Christmas (Ex. 6 p.131) Assess:excellentgood  not so good
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Christmas in Great Britain
1. Warm-up
2. Revising the words

Christmas in Great Britain1. Warm-up2. Revising the words3. Reading4. Listening5. Speaking12

4. Listening
5. Speaking

Слайд 3 Santa Claus is on his way. He's coming. Santa

Santa Claus is on his way. He's coming. Santa Claus is

Claus is on his way. He's coming here today on

his sleigh. Jingle bells are ringing. Santa Claus is singing.

1. Warm-up

Слайд 4 2. Revising the words

2. Revising the wordsChristmas

Слайд 5 fireplace


Слайд 6 (Christmas) stocking

(Christmas) stocking

Слайд 7 Santa Claus

Santa Claus

Слайд 8 handbell


Слайд 9 gifts


Слайд 10 write letters

write letters

Слайд 12 turkey


Слайд 13 Christmas
Santa Claus
Father Christmas

write letters

ChristmasfireplacestockingSanta ClausFather Christmashandbellgiftswrite letterscardsturkey

Слайд 14 Match the pairs
1. decorate
2. send
3. write
4. listen to

Match the pairs1. decorate2. send3. write4. listen to5. have6. celebrate7. prepare

6. celebrate
7. prepare
8. hang
A) cards
B) a big

C) the monarch
D) a flat
E) gifts
F) letters
G) stockings
H) Christmas

Слайд 15 3. Reading: Fill in the gaps
Variant 1:
Ex. 6

3. Reading: Fill in the gapsVariant 1:Ex. 6 p.131Variant 2:1 - 78 - 13

Variant 2:
1 - 7
8 - 13

Слайд 16 Fill in the gaps
1. December
2. born
3. decorate

Fill in the gaps1. December 2. born3. decorate4. gifts5. cards6. hang7.

5. cards
6. hang
7. fireplace
8. stockings
9. dinner
10. turkey
11. monarch

13. money


Слайд 17 Assess


Слайд 18 Variant 1:
Variant 2:
1. when people celebrate Christmas
2. if

Variant 1:Variant 2:1. when people celebrate Christmas2. if families decorate X-mas

families decorate X-mas trees
3. where children hang their stockings

questions and answer them

1. if families have big dinners for X-mas
2. what they usually have for dinner
3. who they listen to on television

Слайд 19 «5» - score 3
«4» - score 2

«5» - score 3 «4» - score 2«3» - score 1 Assess

- score 1

Слайд 20 Pair Work: Speaking
1. celebrate (December 25)
2. Jesus Christ

Pair Work: Speaking1. celebrate (December 25)2. Jesus Christ3. hang their stockings4. Santa Claus5. big dinners6. turkey

hang their stockings
4. Santa Claus
5. big dinners
6. turkey

Слайд 21 Assess
«5» - 6 sentences
«4» - 4-5 sentences
«3» -

Assess«5» - 6 sentences«4» - 4-5 sentences«3» - 2-3 sentences

2-3 sentences

Слайд 22 Let’s have fun

Let’s have fun

Слайд 23 4. Listening
Ex. 1 p.137
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. c

4. ListeningEx. 1 p.137Key:1. c2. a3. b4. c

Слайд 24 «5» - score 4
«4» - score 3

«5» - score 4«4» - score 3 «3» - score 1-2 Assess

- score 1-2

Слайд 25 b + cook + s
= books

b + cook + s= books

Слайд 26 t + boy + s
= toys

t + boy + s= toys

Слайд 27 st + clock + ring
= stocking

st + clock + ring= stocking

Слайд 28 = chess
ch + press

= chessch + press

Слайд 30 5. Speaking

5. Speaking

Слайд 31 5. Speaking

5. Speaking

Слайд 32 «5» - 7 sentences
«4» - 5-6 sentences
«3» -

«5» - 7 sentences«4» - 5-6 sentences«3» - 2-4 sentencesAssess

2-4 sentences

Слайд 33 Homework
speak about Christmas

(Ex. 6 p.131)

Homeworkspeak about Christmas (Ex. 6 p.131)

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-na-temu-rozhdestvo-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 0