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Презентация на тему Food and Health (10 класс)

The topic of the lesson:
The topic of the lesson: Healthy and unhealthy Do you know what food is good for you and what is not? grape * apple * broccoli * carrot * cornlettuce * orange * Protect you from serious illnessesKeep older people activeTreat yourself toGive extra boostBrain Red foods to give extra boost to protect from illnesses to keep … active Orange foodsbrain foodto keep mind on thingsto improve the power of concentrationto Yellow foodsto stay happyto make … more optimisticto grin from ear to ear Green foodsto relaxto calm oneself downto keep the emotions under control contain Blue foodsto be soothing, both emotionally and physicallyto prepare … for a good night’s rest Purple foodspruneto make people more creativeto keep … looking young Dr. Eric Braverman believes that the  selection of the Which colour food should you eat if…You have difficult exam to study True or falseRed food won’t protect you from many serious illnesses.Orange foods 1. An    a day keeps the doctor away. 2. USE the structures1) We should have healthy eating habits to prevent us Home WorkPrepare a two- minute talk about improving eating habits using a Now I       know how to WHAT EMOTIONS DO YOU FEEL?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The topic of the lesson:

The topic of the lesson:

Слайд 3

Healthy and unhealthy foods

Healthy and unhealthy foods

Healthy foods
rich in high amounts found in
vitamins, minerals, fibre fruit, vegetables
protein chicken, milk, cheese,
yoghurt, meat, fish
carbohydrates eggs, rice, potatoes, cereal

Unhealthy foods
sugar, fat sweets, biscuits, fizzy
drinks, butter, oil,
chocolate, crisps, cakes

Слайд 4 Do you know what food is good for

Do you know what food is good for you and what is not?

you and what is not?

Слайд 5 grape * apple * broccoli * carrot *

grape * apple * broccoli * carrot * cornlettuce * orange

lettuce * orange * tomato * cherry * raisin

* celery * melon * strawberry
blueberry * pea * pineapple * peach
pear * raspberry * plum * watermelon
banana * pumpkin * fig * lime * cabbage

Слайд 6 Protect you from serious illnesses
Keep older people active

Protect you from serious illnessesKeep older people activeTreat yourself toGive extra

yourself to
Give extra boost
Brain food
Improve your powers of concentration

off infections
Stay happy
Make optimistic
Calm yourself down
Keep your emotion under control
Contain vitamins and minerals
Keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy
Are soothing both emotionally and physically
Prepare you for a good night’s rest
Make people more creative
Keep you looking young

Слайд 7 Red foods
to give extra boost
to protect

Red foods to give extra boost to protect from illnesses to keep … active

from illnesses
to keep … active

Слайд 8 Orange foods
brain food
to keep mind on things
to improve

Orange foodsbrain foodto keep mind on thingsto improve the power of

the power of concentration
to have lots of vitamin C

Слайд 9 Yellow foods
to stay happy
to make … more optimistic

Yellow foodsto stay happyto make … more optimisticto grin from ear to ear

grin from ear to ear

Слайд 10 Green foods
to relax
to calm oneself down
to keep the

Green foodsto relaxto calm oneself downto keep the emotions under control

emotions under control
contain vitamins and minerals
to keep teeth

and bones strong and healthy

Слайд 11 Blue foods
to be soothing, both emotionally and physically

Blue foodsto be soothing, both emotionally and physicallyto prepare … for a good night’s rest

prepare … for a good night’s rest

Слайд 12 Purple foods
to make people more creative
to keep …

Purple foodspruneto make people more creativeto keep … looking young

looking young

Слайд 13 Dr. Eric Braverman believes that the

Dr. Eric Braverman believes that the selection of the foods

selection of the foods we eat should be

based on what he calls a “rainbow diet.” “Different colored foods have different pigments in them, which have antioxidant value and anti-aging benefits,” he says.

Слайд 14 Which colour food should you eat if…
You have

Which colour food should you eat if…You have difficult exam to

difficult exam to study for?
You are feeling very nervous

about meeting someone?
You are worried about getting lines and wrinkles?
You’ve been feeling a bit sad lately?
You are taking part in a championship swimming match?

Слайд 15 True or false
Red food won’t protect you from

True or falseRed food won’t protect you from many serious illnesses.Orange

many serious illnesses.
Orange foods are important.
You’ll feel a

smile coming on when you eat mangoes, oranges and peaches.
Green foods keep you teeth and bones strong and healthy.
Blueberries and raisins are brain foods.
Some of famous people were fond of purple foods.

Слайд 16 1. An a day keeps

1. An  a day keeps the doctor away. 2. Early

the doctor away.
2. Early to bed, early to

rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
3. After dinner sleep a wile, after supper walk a mile.
4. Health is the greatest wealth.
5. Tastes differ.

Слайд 17 USE the structures

1) We should have healthy eating

USE the structures1) We should have healthy eating habits to prevent

habits to prevent us from getting ill. A fun

way to do it is to follow a rainbow diet.

2)Healthy food is rich in …:
High amounts of … you can find in …

3)…. are rich in ….

4)Unhealthy food is rich in…

5) To be healthy you should eat … … such as…

6) You shouldn't eat … because …

Слайд 18 Home Work
Prepare a two- minute talk about improving

Home WorkPrepare a two- minute talk about improving eating habits using

eating habits using a rainbow diet. In your speech:

why we should have healthy eating habits
mention ways a rainbow diet can help us
Recommend the diet
Ex.8, p.103

Слайд 19
Now I

Now I    know how to

know how to


  • Имя файла: food-and-health-10-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0