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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме : Здоровье

healthy здоровый unhealthy нездоровый
Proverb: «A healthy mind  in a healthy body»Today we will speak healthy  здоровый  unhealthy нездоровый 1. Good health is above wealth.2. An apple a day keeps a «How to be healthy»And now, answer my question: What is sport for To spend a lot of time in the open air is [f] Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh SmokingDrinking alcoholTaking colaMake(s)teeth yellowskin unhealthyspeech unclearResultsthe whole familypeople around youBad habits Drinking alcohol is not good habit for our health.Smoking is not good Let’s repeat the words: Let’s write down new words: sweet [swi:t] cake [keιk] carrot [‘kær∂t] bread [bred] meat [mi:t] cabbage nut [nλt] garlic [‘ga:lik] onion chewing gum Read the words:garlic onionnutcarrotcakebreadmeatchewing gumsweetcabbage Listen to the text and fill in the table: True or false:All foods are good for you.Vitamins and minerals help you You should eat more …  You shouldn’t eat … You should Thank you for the lesson!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 healthy здоровый unhealthy нездоровый

healthy здоровый unhealthy нездоровый

Слайд 3 1. Good health is above wealth.
2. An apple

1. Good health is above wealth.2. An apple a day keeps

a day keeps a doctor away.
3. Eat at pleasure,

with measure.
4. Laugh is the best medicine.
5. A healthy mind in a healthy body.
6. Health is better than wealth.
7. Early to bed and early
to rise makes a man
healthy, wealthy and wise.

1. Хорошее здоровье больше, чем богатство.
2. Хотя бы яблоко в день прогонит врача.
3. Ешь для удовольствия, а пей в меру.
4. Смех – самое лучшее лекарство.
5. В здоровом теле – здоровый дух.
6. Здоровье дороже
7. Кто рано встаёт,
тому бог подаёт.

Слайд 4 «How to be healthy»
And now, answer my question:

«How to be healthy»And now, answer my question: What is sport

What is sport for you?
Is there any connection

between sport and health?
Have you any other ideas how to take care of our health? What must or mustn't we do to be healthy?

Слайд 5 To spend a lot of time in

To spend a lot of time in the open air

the open air is a very important thing for

everybody. We must eat fruit and vegetables.

We should go in for sports. It means that we must run and jump, play football, hockey.

It is bad when we eat at night and don’t move. Smoking is not useful for us either. I think we must not be nervous.

Слайд 6 [f] Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried

[f] Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh


Слайд 7 Smoking
Drinking alcohol
Taking cola
teeth yellow
skin unhealthy
speech unclear
the whole family

SmokingDrinking alcoholTaking colaMake(s)teeth yellowskin unhealthyspeech unclearResultsthe whole familypeople around youBad habits

around you
Bad habits

Слайд 8 Drinking alcohol is not good habit for our

Drinking alcohol is not good habit for our health.Smoking is not


Smoking is not good for us.

Taking cola is bad


Taking crisps make your teeth yellow.

Unhealthy life makes your skin bad.

Smoking makes your speech unclear.

You should go in for sport and the whole family too.

All people around you will be funny and healthy.


Слайд 9 Let’s repeat the words:

Let’s repeat the words:

Слайд 15 Let’s write down new words:

Let’s write down new words:

Слайд 16 sweet [swi:t]

sweet [swi:t]

Слайд 17 cake [keιk]

cake [keιk]

Слайд 18 carrot [‘kær∂t]

carrot [‘kær∂t]

Слайд 19 bread [bred]

bread [bred]

Слайд 20 meat [mi:t]

meat [mi:t]

Слайд 21 cabbage


Слайд 22 nut [nλt]

nut [nλt]

Слайд 23 garlic [‘ga:lik]

garlic [‘ga:lik]

Слайд 25 chewing gum

chewing gum

Слайд 26 Read the words:
chewing gum

Read the words:garlic onionnutcarrotcakebreadmeatchewing gumsweetcabbage

Слайд 27 Listen to the text and fill in the

Listen to the text and fill in the table:


Слайд 28 True or false:
All foods are good for you.

True or false:All foods are good for you.Vitamins and minerals help

and minerals help you to keep healthy.
Fruit and vegetables

are full of sugar and fat.
Sweets, crisps and cola keep you healthy.
You should eat a variety of foods to grow big and strong.

Слайд 30 You should eat more … You shouldn’t eat

You should eat more … You shouldn’t eat … You should

… You should drink … You shouldn’t drink …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-po-teme-zdorove.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0