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Презентация на тему по английскому языку к учебнику Rainbow English Афанасьева О.В. Михеева И.В. Баранова К.М. 5 класс

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832—1898)
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832—1898)  my favourite artistПроектная методика на уроках английского Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832—1898) Biography of Ivan Ivanovich ShishkinBorn in a family of merchants. After the Morning in a Pine Forest Shishkin painting «Morning in a pine forest» is Painting “Rye” Painting “Rye”Shishkin’s “ Rye” was painted in 1878; it’s one of his Let’s divide into groups The first group must find out some information about Isaak Levitan. Answer 2. The second group must find out some information about Viktor VasnetsovAnswer 3. The third group must find out some information about Valentin SerovAnswer After the students present their work and match all pictures with the Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832—1898)  my favourite artistThe end
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832—1898)

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832—1898)

Слайд 3 Biography of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin
Born in a family

Biography of Ivan Ivanovich ShishkinBorn in a family of merchants. After

of merchants. After the Moscow School of Painting in

1856, the future master mainly lived in St. Petersburg. Of particular importance for Shishkin was to have natural impression received in his native place , as well as around St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Слайд 4 "Morning in a Pine Forest"

Слайд 5 Morning in a Pine Forest
Shishkin painting «Morning in

Morning in a Pine Forest Shishkin painting «Morning in a pine forest»

a pine forest» is one of the brightest products

in creativity of the artist. The pine forest was the most favourite place where the master often worked over his pictures. When you look at this picture of Shishkin you can imagine youself in this wood, early in the morning, feeling the smell of needles.

Слайд 6 Painting “Rye”

Painting “Rye”

Слайд 7 Painting “Rye”
Shishkin’s “ Rye” was painted in 1878;

Painting “Rye”Shishkin’s “ Rye” was painted in 1878; it’s one of

it’s one of his most successful works. One can

see a golden box and ears of rye, the distant horizon, and the composition shows us a wide space extending into the distant field. The artist didn’t choose a forest, but still his beloved mighty pines.

Слайд 8 Let’s divide into groups

Let’s divide into groups

Слайд 9 The first group must find out some information

The first group must find out some information about Isaak Levitan.

about Isaak Levitan.

Answer the questions
How old was he

when he died? (40)
How many works has he painted? (1000 paintings, drawings)
What famous person was his friend? (Chekov)

Слайд 10 2. The second group must find out some

2. The second group must find out some information about Viktor

information about Viktor Vasnetsov
Answer the questions
He was the third

of the sixth children, wasn’t he (the second)
Where was he born? (Vyatka Governorate)
How can we connect Vasnetsov and Lyudmila Zhuravlyova (She discoved
 a minor planet in 1978. It was named 3586 Vasnetsov. )

Слайд 11 3. The third group must find out some

3. The third group must find out some information about Valentin

information about Valentin Serov
Answer the questions
What was his farther?

(a composer and music critic).
Features of impressionism disappeared from his work, and his … style developed in his late period. (modernistic)
Where did he die? (In Moscow)

Слайд 12 After the students present their work and match

After the students present their work and match all pictures with

all pictures
with the artists’ names they make a

There is a mistake in the textbook.
There are two Shishkin’s paintings “Rye” and “Morning in a pine forest”.
There is no any Levitan’ work.


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-k-uchebniku-rainbow-english-afanaseva-ov-miheeva-iv-baranova-km-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0