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Презентация на тему Урок-Праздники и традиции в США и Великобритании

Christmas Day “Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th of December. In America it is the most important holiday of the year. Christmas is a family holiday. Shops, post-offices, banks and business houses are closed for
Holidays and traditions in the USA and the Great BritainTeacher: E.A. MinyaevaNovomoskovsk Construction College Christmas Day “Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th of December. In The grown-ups save their own presents till breakfast-time. After breakfast they go New Year’s Day    The 1st of January is New St. Valentine’s Day St. Valentine’s Day is not a legal or national Mother’s Day  Mother’s Day comes on the second Sunday in May. Father’s Day comes on the third Sunday in June.	Many people send their EasterEvery country has its traditions. In England traditions play a very important Another custom is decorating eggs for children. In many parts of the Independence DayOn July4, 1776, a group of Americans representing the thirteen Memorial DayOn the 30th of May the Americans celebrate Memorial Day. It Halloween is the day or evening before All Saint’s Day. Many Halloween They often wear masks over their faces. They carry baskets and bags. Thanksgiving Day The endThank you for attention© E. A. Minyaeva, 2015
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Christmas Day
“Christmas Day is celebrated on the

Christmas Day “Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th of December.

25th of December. In America it is the most

important holiday of the year. Christmas is a family holiday. Shops, post-offices, banks and business houses are closed for the day. Schools and colleges close between Christmas and the New Year’s Day.
People stay at home and spend the time with their families. Everybody is buying Christmas presents for friends and relations. People send cards or Christmas greetings to their friends. They wish their friends “Marry Christmas “and “A Happy New Year”.

Every family tries to have a Christmas tree, which is decorated with coloured lights. They also hang little toys, sweets on the tree and they put present under the tree.
When the day before the vacation begins, schools have Christmas parties. Children sing carols. They recite poems.”

Слайд 3 The grown-ups save their own presents till breakfast-time.

The grown-ups save their own presents till breakfast-time. After breakfast they

After breakfast they go to church and the children

play with their new toys and the mother prepares dinner. Usually the whole family has a big Christmas dinner in the afternoon or evening

Little children believe that when they are asleep Santa Claus (or Father Frost) comes to visit them with a big bag of toys. They often hang up large stockings to receive the presents.
On Christmas morning children look into their stockings and see their gifts.

Слайд 4 New Year’s Day
The 1st

New Year’s Day  The 1st of January is New Year’s

of January is New Year’s Day. It is customary

for people to remain awake until after midnight on December 31st so that you may “watch the old year out and the new year in.
Many parties are given on this night. The theatres, night clubs and restaurants are crowded.

When midnight comes, everyone at the party stops whatever they have been doing to greet the New year.
The favorite song at a New Year’s Eve party is “Old Lang Syne”. It was written by Robert Burns. The marry makers always sing part of it.
People gather in the streets of big cities, they make noise in every way they can.

Слайд 5 St. Valentine’s Day
St. Valentine’s Day is not

St. Valentine’s Day St. Valentine’s Day is not a legal or

a legal or national holiday. Banks and offices do

not close, but it is a happy little festival, especially for children and young people. It is celebrated among persons of all ages. A “valentine” may mean a special greeting card or a little present. It may also be a person who receives a gift.
The greeting cards are often coloured, have red trimmings and pictures of hearts.

The day is a time to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and candy are favorite presents which sweethearts send each other. Valentine candy is packed in red heart-shaped boxes and sold for this one day. It is a favorite day for parties, especially by young people. The hosts trim the hall with red and white paper streamers and hearts

Слайд 6 Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day comes on the

Mother’s Day Mother’s Day comes on the second Sunday in May.

second Sunday in May. This is a day when

Americans honor their mothers. Most mothers like to celebrate this day with the whole family. Many people send their mothers a card or a gift. Some people take their mothers to a restaurant for dinner.
It is the custom to carry a red or pink flower, if one’s mother is living. It is the custom to carry a white flower if one’s mother is dead

Слайд 7 Father’s Day comes on the third Sunday in

Father’s Day comes on the third Sunday in June.	Many people send

Many people send their fathers a card or a

During the autumn some colleges celebrate Dad’s Day. They honor their fathers among the members and friends of the college”.

Слайд 8 Easter
Every country has its traditions. In England traditions

EasterEvery country has its traditions. In England traditions play a very

play a very important part in the life of

the people.
Easter comes on a Sunday between March and April. Just before Easter the schools and colleges usually close. The students have a week or ten days of spring vacation.
Easter is a church holiday. Easter marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
At Easter people buy new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday. There is a popular belief that wearing three new things on Easter will bring good luck in the year. After church services many people like to take walks down the street in their new Easter hats and suits. This colorful procession of people dressed in new spring clothes is called the “Easter Parade”.

Слайд 9 Another custom is decorating eggs for children. In

Another custom is decorating eggs for children. In many parts of

many parts of the country eggs are hidden in

the yards and the children have to find them. Little children believe the Easter rabbit comes and leaves the eggs for them. That’s why the Easter candy is made in the form off eggs, little chickens and rabbits. Eggs are the symbol of new life.

An old English custom is to roll hard-boiled eggs down a hill. The last egg to break brings good luck to the one who has rolled it

Слайд 10 Independence Day
On July4, 1776, a group of

Independence DayOn July4, 1776, a group of Americans representing the

Americans representing the thirteen British colonies on the Atlantic

coast of North America signed a document stating that these colonies had the right to be free and independent. This document is known as the Declaration of Independence. July4 is celebrated by Americans as a national holiday, Independence Day.

There is a building in Philadelphia which is called Independence Hall. Here the Declaration was signed. On the building is the famous Liberty Bell which rang to tell the people in the street that a new country had been born

Слайд 11 Memorial Day
On the 30th of May the Americans

Memorial DayOn the 30th of May the Americans celebrate Memorial Day.

celebrate Memorial Day. It is a national holiday. Schools,

banks and offices close for the day. On that day Americans honor the servicemen who gave their lives in past wars. Schools, clubs and churches decorate cemeteries.
If you listen to the radio or TV on Memorial Day you may hear many patriotic songs, especially songs of the Civil War

Слайд 12 Halloween is the day or evening before All

Halloween is the day or evening before All Saint’s Day. Many

Saint’s Day. Many Halloween stories and games are hundreds

of years old. Then people believed in devils, witches and ghosts.
American children celebrate Beggar’s Night as Irish children did in the 17th century. They dress up in Halloween costumes and go into the streets to beg.

Слайд 13 They often wear masks over their faces. They

They often wear masks over their faces. They carry baskets and

carry baskets and bags. They go from house to

house and knock on the door. They ring the bell. When people come to the door, the children say, “Trick or treat! Trick or treat!” meaning “Give us a treat or we’ll play a trick on you”. People give the children sweets, cookies and apples.
A favorite Halloween custom is to make a jack-o’-lantern. The children scrape out a pumpkin and cut the eyes, mouth and nose.
They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. They set jack-o’-lanterns in the window


Слайд 14 Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

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