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Презентация на тему Тест к итоговой аттестации. 4 класс. презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

____Sunday we don`t go to school. A) At B) On C) InOn
_____summer we don`t go to school. A) At  B) On  C) InIn ____Sunday we don`t go to school. A) At  B) On  C) InOn My Dad always gets up ____ six. A) at I go to school ______bus. A) on  B) by  C) intoby Can you give_____ her adress?A) she   B) me  C) weme There isn`t _____sugar in the tea.  A) any Tom didn`t find _______in his bag.   A) nothing  B) something  C) anythinganything My birthday is on the thirty _____of  May.   A) My birthday is on the ______of  July.   A) two They _______know Maths well. A) isn`t    B) don`t Kate _______know Maths well. A) isn`t    B) don`t Does he ________a cake for the party?   A) makes Listen! The bird _______.A) sings  B) sing C) is singingis singing The child _____running at the moment. A) are   B) am They _________to Spain in 1998.  A) travelledB) are travelling  C) traveltravelled They didn`t _____at the lesson.  A) sang   B) singing   C) singsing Did you ____your pen?   A) lost You ________play with matches.  A) must  B) may  C) mustn`tmustn’t Children ________ go to the country alone.  A) must  B) may  C) mustn`tmustn’t My sister can run _________.A) quick B) quicker C) quicklyquickly Russian is the _______ language for me. A) easier   B) Russian is _______ than English. A) easier   B) easy   C) easiesteasier
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 ____Sunday we don`t go to school.
A) At

____Sunday we don`t go to school. A) At B) On C) InOn

B) On C) In

Слайд 3 My Dad always gets up ____ six.

My Dad always gets up ____ six. A) at

at B) on

C) in


Слайд 4 I go to school ______bus.
A) on

I go to school ______bus. A) on B) by C) intoby

B) by C) into

Слайд 5 Can you give_____ her adress?
A) she

Can you give_____ her adress?A) she  B) me C) weme

B) me C) we

Слайд 6 There isn`t _____sugar in the tea.

There isn`t _____sugar in the tea. A) any

any B)

some C) no


Слайд 7 Tom didn`t find _______in his bag.

Tom didn`t find _______in his bag.  A) nothing B) something C) anythinganything

A) nothing B) something C) anything


Слайд 8 My birthday is on the thirty _____of

My birthday is on the thirty _____of May.  A) three B) one C) first first

A) three B) one

C) first


Слайд 9 My birthday is on the ______of July.

My birthday is on the ______of July.  A) two B) second C) four second

A) two
B) second



Слайд 10 They _______know Maths well.
A) isn`t

They _______know Maths well. A) isn`t  B) don`t  C) doesn`t don`t

B) don`t
C) doesn`t


Слайд 11 Kate _______know Maths well.
A) isn`t

Kate _______know Maths well. A) isn`t  B) don`t  C) doesn`t doesn`t

B) don`t
C) doesn`t


Слайд 12 Does he ________a cake for the party?

Does he ________a cake for the party?  A) makes B) make C) mademake

A) makes B) make
C) made


Слайд 13 Listen! The bird _______.
A) sings
B) sing

Listen! The bird _______.A) sings B) sing C) is singingis singing

C) is singing

is singing

Слайд 14 The child _____running at the moment.
A) are

The child _____running at the moment. A) are  B) am  C) is is

B) am C) is


Слайд 15 They _________to Spain in 1998.
A) travelled

They _________to Spain in 1998. A) travelledB) are travelling C) traveltravelled

are travelling
C) travel

Слайд 16 They didn`t _____at the lesson.
A) sang

They didn`t _____at the lesson. A) sang  B) singing  C) singsing

B) singing C) sing

Слайд 17 Did you ____your pen?
A) lost

Did you ____your pen?  A) lost   B) lose

B) lose

C) have lost


Слайд 18 You ________play with matches.
A) must

You ________play with matches. A) must B) may C) mustn`tmustn’t

B) may
C) mustn`t


Слайд 19 Children ________ go to the country alone.

Children ________ go to the country alone. A) must B) may C) mustn`tmustn’t

A) must
B) may
C) mustn`t


Слайд 20 My sister can run _________.
A) quick
B) quicker

My sister can run _________.A) quick B) quicker C) quicklyquickly

C) quickly


Слайд 21 Russian is the _______ language for me.

Russian is the _______ language for me. A) easier  B) easy  C) easiesteasiest

B) easy



  • Имя файла: test-k-itogovoy-attestatsii-4-klass-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0