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Презентация на тему к открытому уроку What are your New Wonders of the World к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева 7 класс

Фонетическая зарядка:[m] – magnificent (великолепный), a masterpiece (шедевр), a monument (памятник)[k] – a cathedral (кафедральный собор), a mosque (мечеть), unique (уникальный) [w] – a square (площадь), a wonder (чудо)[z] – to deserve (заслуживать), closer (ближе)[ʃ] –
Фонетическая зарядка:[m] – magnificent (великолепный), a masterpiece (шедевр), a monument (памятник)[k] – The Ex. 1.3) p. 172You can start with such phrases as:I think the Which opinion do you share? Why? (ex. 1.4 on page 172)You can Future Simple ActiveWill + V1I will go to the park tomorrow. Future Simple PassiveWill + be + V3/ edA new cathedral will be Грамматическое задание:What does Olga want to be done in her hometown? Open Грамматическое задание:Let’s check:will be builtwill buildwill be restoredwill be putwill be givenwill be rebuiltwill be produced The sightseeings of  Komsomolsk – on - Amur What constructions of our hometown would you like to choose as new Рефлексия:What have you learnt at our lesson?What sightseeing do you like most The lesson is over!You may be free!Good bye!Thank you for your work!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Фонетическая зарядка:
[m] – magnificent (великолепный), a masterpiece (шедевр),

Фонетическая зарядка:[m] – magnificent (великолепный), a masterpiece (шедевр), a monument (памятник)[k]

a monument (памятник)
[k] – a cathedral (кафедральный собор), a

mosque (мечеть), unique (уникальный)
[w] – a square (площадь), a wonder (чудо)
[z] – to deserve (заслуживать), closer (ближе)
[ʃ] – ancient (древний), a construction (строение, здание)
[l] – a gallery (галерея), a list (список), to include (включать)
[ɑʊ] – to found (основывать)
[tʃ] – a church (церковь)

Слайд 4 The theme of the lesson: “What are your New

The theme of the lesson:

wonders of the world?”

Слайд 6 Ex. 1.3) p. 172
You can start with such

Ex. 1.3) p. 172You can start with such phrases as:I think

phrases as:
I think the first sentence could belong to

To my mind sentence number 3 could belong to …
I can say that sentence number 5 could belong to …

Слайд 7 Which opinion do you share? Why? (ex. 1.4

Which opinion do you share? Why? (ex. 1.4 on page 172)You

on page 172)
You can start with such phrases as:


can share my opinion with … because …

I think the …’s opinion is right, because …

Слайд 8 Future Simple Active

Will + V1

I will go to

Future Simple ActiveWill + V1I will go to the park tomorrow.

the park tomorrow.

Слайд 9 Future Simple Passive

Will + be + V3/ ed


Future Simple PassiveWill + be + V3/ edA new cathedral will

new cathedral will be built / restored next year.

Слайд 10 Грамматическое задание:
What does Olga want to be done

Грамматическое задание:What does Olga want to be done in her hometown?

in her hometown? Open the brackets using Future Simple

Active or Future Simple Passive.
I know that there are plants to make my town better. It will become (станет) more beautiful. A new railway station ___________ (будет построена) in my town. We need new trolleybus lines and the next year they __________ (построят) a line in the eastern district. There is a beautiful ancient church near my house, it was destroyed in the 1920s, but soon the church __________ (будет реставрирована). We have got a local arts museum, wonderful paintings and unique folk costumes __________ (будут размещены) there. Soon a painting by I. Aivazovsky __________ (будет передана) to our museum. My school is very old, it was built in 1935. Next year it __________ (будет перестроена). Last month a chocolate factory started its work and chocolate sweets __________ (будут производиться) there.

Слайд 11 Грамматическое задание:
Let’s check:
will be built
will build
will be restored

Грамматическое задание:Let’s check:will be builtwill buildwill be restoredwill be putwill be givenwill be rebuiltwill be produced

be put
will be given
will be rebuilt
will be produced

Слайд 12 The sightseeings of Komsomolsk – on - Amur

The sightseeings of Komsomolsk – on - Amur

Слайд 21 What constructions of our hometown would you like

What constructions of our hometown would you like to choose as

to choose as new wonders of the world?
You can

start with such phrase as:
… will be chosen as new wonders of the world, because …
… will be included in the list of new wonders of the world, because …

Слайд 22

What have you learnt at our lesson?
What sightseeing

Рефлексия:What have you learnt at our lesson?What sightseeing do you like

do you like most of all?
Do you like our

lesson? What do / don’t you like most of all?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-otkrytomu-uroku-what-are-your-new-wonders-of-the-world-k-uchebniku-vp-kuzovleva-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 248
  • Количество скачиваний: 9