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Презентация на тему Плaнировние Kaлендрное плнировние 5kл

New wordsPlant [pla:nt] отыргызуWater [`wƆ:tә] суаруWhitewash [wait`wƆʆ] ақтауPrune [pru:n] кесу(ағашты)
The theme: “Home gardening in the USA” New wordsPlant    [pla:nt]   отыргызуWater   [`wƆ:tә] England is famous for its____ and most people like _____. Flower shows England is famous for its gardens and most people like gardening. Flower “The most beautiful gardens” make “a flip chaRt» Grammar:  Going to BLACK BOXА BC Phonetic Practice «Сinquain»1-Noun2-adjectives3 -verbs5 –One synonym Noun: Nature 2 Adjectives: _______ ______ 3 Verbs: ______, _______, _______. Nature + Synonym: _________“Cinquain” Reflection
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 New words
Plant [pla:nt]

New wordsPlant  [pla:nt]  отыргызуWater  [`wƆ:tә] суаруWhitewash [wait`wƆʆ] ақтауPrune  [pru:n] кесу(ағашты)

Water [`wƆ:tә] суару
Whitewash [wait`wƆʆ] ақтау

[pru:n] кесу(ағашты)

Слайд 5 England is famous for its____ and most people

England is famous for its____ and most people like _____. Flower

like _____. Flower shows and vegetable shows are _____

in England. At these shows gardeners get prizes for the most beautiful______ and the biggest vegetables. The process of growing _____ is more important to a lot of gardeners than looking at flowers or eating ______.

Слайд 6 England is famous for its gardens and most

England is famous for its gardens and most people like gardening.

people like gardening. Flower shows and vegetable shows are

popular in England. At these shows gardeners get prizes for the most beautiful flowers and the biggest vegetables. The process of growing plants is more important to a lot of gardeners than looking at flowers or eating vegetables.

Слайд 7 “The most beautiful gardens”

“The most beautiful gardens”

Слайд 8
make “a flip chaRt»

make “a flip chaRt»

Слайд 9 Grammar: Going to

Grammar: Going to

Слайд 10 BLACK BOX


Слайд 12

Phonetic Practice

Phonetic Practice

Слайд 13
3 -verbs
5 –One synonym

«Сinquain»1-Noun2-adjectives3 -verbs5 –One synonym

Слайд 14 Noun: Nature 2 Adjectives: _______ ______ 3 Verbs: ______, _______,

Noun: Nature 2 Adjectives: _______ ______ 3 Verbs: ______, _______, _______. Nature + Synonym: _________“Cinquain”

_______. Nature + Synonym: _________

  • Имя файла: planirovnie-kalendrnoe-plnirovnie-5kl.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 181
  • Количество скачиваний: 0