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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Summer holidays 5 класс

Let’s write a summer poem.Summer is sun!Summer is seaside and yachting!Summer is fun!Summer is good weather and happy people!Summer is ice cream, fruit, new friends and a lot of free time!Take it in turn to continue!Summer
Summer holidays!!!Summer is fun!Summer is new friends and new impressions!!! Let’s write a summer poem.Summer is sun!Summer is seaside and yachting!Summer is Many people like to go to the seaside! Some people have a rest in the mountains. The others spend their holidays by the lake or by the river. What about you?1. Where do you like to spend your summer holidays?2. Read the text about Tiny, fill in the blanks and answer the Numbers.Match the numbers and the words.Fifteen sixteen eleven first twenty fifth eight11 Find the odd-one out.1. May, Can, June, July, March2. Monday, Wednesday, February, Summer activities.1. Let’s sing the song “Happy hippo holidays!”2. What is your Happy school year!Happy school year!Happy school year!Happy school year!Happy school year!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Let’s write a summer poem.
Summer is sun!
Summer is

Let’s write a summer poem.Summer is sun!Summer is seaside and yachting!Summer

seaside and yachting!
Summer is fun!
Summer is good weather and

happy people!
Summer is ice cream, fruit, new friends and a lot of free time!

Take it in turn to continue!
Summer is …….

Слайд 3 Many people like to go to the seaside!

Many people like to go to the seaside!

Слайд 4 Some people have a rest in the mountains.

Some people have a rest in the mountains.

Слайд 5 The others spend their holidays by the lake

The others spend their holidays by the lake or by the river.

or by the river.

Слайд 6 What about you?
1. Where do you like to

What about you?1. Where do you like to spend your summer

spend your summer holidays?

2. Do you like to travel?


Where have you been this summer?

4. Did you have a good time?

5. What did you do in the holidays?

Слайд 8 Read the text about Tiny, fill in the

Read the text about Tiny, fill in the blanks and answer

blanks and answer the question.
Third, school, ride, beautiful, swim


like summer. I don’t go to ------------ in June, July and August. Summer is nice and bright. You can see a lot of ---------------- flowers. You can ------------------- in the river. You can ---------------your bike in the park. My birthday is in summer, too. It is in the ---------------------- summer month. What month is it?

Слайд 9 Numbers.Match the numbers and the words.
Fifteen sixteen eleven

Numbers.Match the numbers and the words.Fifteen sixteen eleven first twenty fifth

first twenty fifth eight

11 8

1st 20 5th 15 23 19 2nd 67 50

Second twenty-three sixty-seven nineteen fifty

Слайд 10 Find the odd-one out.
1. May, Can, June, July,

Find the odd-one out.1. May, Can, June, July, March2. Monday, Wednesday,

2. Monday, Wednesday, February, Sunday
3. morning, breakfast, afternoon, evening,

4. summer, winter, spring, time, autumn
5.when, why, wash, where, what
6. ears, eyes, mouth, feet, teeth
7. mum, brother, sister, boy, dad
8.0ne, two, third, four, five
9. first, second, think, fourth, fifth

Слайд 11 Summer activities.
1. Let’s sing the song “Happy hippo

Summer activities.1. Let’s sing the song “Happy hippo holidays!”2. What is


2. What is your favourite summer activity? Mime it

to the class!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-summer-holidays-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 206
  • Количество скачиваний: 0