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Презентация на тему Презентации к уроку о защите окружающей среды

Park is the place of our rest.
OUR PLANET IS IN DANGER Park is the place of our rest. Pure air, not cut down trees is all that necessary for a happy life. Don’t throw garbage into rivers -it damages the nature Try to protect the nature as we do. Rivers pollution Will you drink spoiled water? The lotus is the indicator of pure water. Put your garbage in a bin. In this picture pupils of our school clean the flow of river Yukshumka.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Park is the place of our rest.

Park is the place of our rest.

Слайд 3 Pure air, not cut down trees is all

Pure air, not cut down trees is all that necessary for a happy life.

that necessary for a happy life.

Слайд 4 Don’t throw garbage into rivers -it damages

Don’t throw garbage into rivers -it damages the nature

the nature

Слайд 5 Try to protect the nature as we do.

Try to protect the nature as we do.

Слайд 6 Rivers pollution

Rivers pollution

Слайд 7 Will you drink spoiled water?

Will you drink spoiled water?

Слайд 8 The lotus is the indicator of pure

The lotus is the indicator of pure water.


Слайд 9 Put your garbage in a bin.

Put your garbage in a bin.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsii-k-uroku-o-zashchite-okruzhayushchey-sredy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 0