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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Future Actions 7 класс

Future Simple will \ ’ll will not \ won’t (Wh) will …?
Future ActionsПрезентацию подготовилаБогомазова Л.АЛицей №124г.Барнаул Future Simple   will    \ ’ll Future Simple   Употребляется:1. Predictions about the future usually with the Future Simple2. for on-the-spot decisions (решения принятые в момент речи) and promises Future Simple4. for threats (угрозы), warnings (предупреждения) Future Simpletomorrowthe day after tomorrownext week\ month\ …tonightsoonin a week \ two months … Future actionsBe going to- plan, intention, ambitions Fill in the gaps with correct future forms of the verbs 1)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Future Simple

Future Simple  will  \ ’ll    will

\ ’ll

will not \ won’t

(Wh) will …?

Слайд 3 Future Simple Употребляется:
1. Predictions about the future

Future Simple  Употребляется:1. Predictions about the future usually with the

usually with the
Verbs: think, believe, expect …
expressions: I’m

sure, I’m afraid
Adverbs: perhaps, certainly, probably

e.g. His parents think he will become an artist one day.
He will probably go to work.
I’m sure we’ll have a great time at Joan’s party tomorrow.

Слайд 4 Future Simple
2. for on-the-spot decisions (решения принятые в

Future Simple2. for on-the-spot decisions (решения принятые в момент речи) and

момент речи) and promises (обещания) (promiss)
e.g. It’s hot in

here. – I’ll open the window. I’ll help you with your homework.

3. for actions \ events \ situations which will definitely happen in the future and which we cannot control
e.g. Jane will be two years old next month.

Слайд 5 Future Simple
4. for threats (угрозы), warnings (предупреждения)

Future Simple4. for threats (угрозы), warnings (предупреждения)

e.g. Stop or I’ll shoot!
5. for requests (просьбы - просим кого-то сделать что-нибудь для нас) e.g. Will you post these letters for me, please?
6. for hopes (надежды) e.g. I hope pollution level will drop soon

Слайд 6 Future Simple
the day after tomorrow
next week\ month\ …

Future Simpletomorrowthe day after tomorrownext week\ month\ …tonightsoonin a week \ two months …

a week \ two months …

Слайд 7 Future actions
Be going to
- plan, intention, ambitions

Future actionsBe going to- plan, intention, ambitions

e.g. I’m going to buy a sports car.
- predictions based on what we can see or know e.g. It’s cloudy, it’s going to rain.

Present Simple (timetables)

Present continuous (our plans ..)

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  • Количество просмотров: 184
  • Количество скачиваний: 1