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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Этикет в Великобритании

Do you know the Dos and Don’ts of British Etiquette?
Have you ever been to the UK? Do you know the Dos and Don’ts of British Etiquette? Social etiquette  in the UKCulture corner Definitions Extend – to reach outFirm handshake – holding smb’s hand with How do Brits greet? Which titles we should use? Brits say “How are you” because it is a …. What we should say in all situations? Which gestures are polite in the UK? And which of them are impolite? If someone invites you to the dinner, you should …. How we should behave at the dinner table? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN5BMYZDuW4 What are the Dos and don’ts in Crimea? Write 5-7 sentences about Home task Learn the 1st or 3rd paragraph by heart p.84Learn the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Do you know the Dos and Don’ts of

Do you know the Dos and Don’ts of British Etiquette?

British Etiquette?

Слайд 3 Social etiquette in the UK
Culture corner

Social etiquette in the UKCulture corner

Слайд 4 Definitions
Extend – to reach out
Firm handshake –

Definitions Extend – to reach outFirm handshake – holding smb’s hand

holding smb’s hand with a strong grip and moving

it up and down
Rare – not common
Hug – putting your arms around a person and holding them tightly to show affection
Make eye contact – to look smb straight in the eye when they look at you
Typical – usual
Greeting – way of saying hello
In public – in front of a group of people
Be aware – to make sure you know about smth
Crowded place – area full of people
Token – sign
Elbow – the joint in the middle of the arm
Second-rate – not the best

Слайд 12 How do Brits greet?

How do Brits greet?

Слайд 13 Which titles we should use?

Which titles we should use?

Слайд 14 Brits say “How are you” because it is

Brits say “How are you” because it is a ….

a ….

Слайд 15 What we should say in all situations?

What we should say in all situations?

Слайд 16 Which gestures are polite in the UK? And which

Which gestures are polite in the UK? And which of them are impolite?

of them are impolite?

Слайд 17 If someone invites you to the dinner, you

If someone invites you to the dinner, you should ….

should ….

Слайд 18 How we should behave at the dinner table?

How we should behave at the dinner table?

Слайд 19


Слайд 20 What are the Dos and don’ts in Crimea? Write

What are the Dos and don’ts in Crimea? Write 5-7 sentences

5-7 sentences about social etiquette in your country.

Слайд 21 Home task
Learn the 1st or 3rd paragraph

Home task Learn the 1st or 3rd paragraph by heart p.84Learn

by heart p.84
Learn the new words
SB ex. 3 p.84

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-etiket-v-velikobritanii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 181
  • Количество скачиваний: 0