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Презентация на тему Викторина по теме в 9 классе: Мировые памятники.

When was the Gold Gates built? A.1164.
World Monuments QuizСоставитель – Аленчикова С.А.учитель английского языка МОУ Гимназия №16 «Интерес». When was the Gold Gates built?   A.1164. What is the LivadsKiy place made of?A. White marble.B. White inkermanskiy stone. When was the millennium of Russia built?A.1889.B.1864. What is the Amber room made of?A. Red sandstone.B. Amber. When was Peterhof built?A.1710.B.1705. Which of these places is listed as a UNESCO World Heritaight site?B. What city in the Ukraineis dangerous for people ?A. Chernobyl. B. Lvov. What is the highest building in the world?A. Burdzh-Caliph. B. Mast KVLY-TV. When was the Ostankinskaya tower built?A.1963-1965. B.1963-1967. What is the highest tower of the Westminster palace?A. Westminster hall. B. Big Ben. 1-A.2-B.3-B.4-A.5-A.6-A.7-A.8-A.9-B.10-B.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 When was the Gold Gates

When was the Gold Gates built?  A.1164.



Слайд 3 What is the LivadsKiy place made of?
A. White

What is the LivadsKiy place made of?A. White marble.B. White inkermanskiy stone.

B. White inkermanskiy stone.

Слайд 4 When was the millennium of Russia built?

When was the millennium of Russia built?A.1889.B.1864.

Слайд 5 What is the Amber room made of?
A. Red

What is the Amber room made of?A. Red sandstone.B. Amber.

B. Amber.

Слайд 6 When was Peterhof built?

When was Peterhof built?A.1710.B.1705.

Слайд 7 Which of these places is listed as a

Which of these places is listed as a UNESCO World Heritaight

UNESCO World Heritaight site?
B. Canary Islands.
A. Galapagos Island.

Слайд 8 What city in the Ukraine
is dangerous for people

What city in the Ukraineis dangerous for people ?A. Chernobyl. B. Lvov.

A. Chernobyl.
B. Lvov.

Слайд 9 What is the highest building in the

What is the highest building in the world?A. Burdzh-Caliph. B. Mast KVLY-TV.

B. Mast KVLY-TV.

Слайд 10 When was the Ostankinskaya tower built?

When was the Ostankinskaya tower built?A.1963-1965. B.1963-1967.

Слайд 11 What is the highest tower of the Westminster

What is the highest tower of the Westminster palace?A. Westminster hall. B. Big Ben.

A. Westminster hall.
B. Big Ben.

  • Имя файла: viktorina-po-teme-v-9-klasse-mirovye-pamyatniki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 1