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Презентация на тему Streets of Okhotsk на конкурс Об Охотске на английском языке

Okhotsk village located on the northern coast of the Okhotsk Sea. This is one of the oldest settlements of the Far East. More in 1674 Cossack cabin was founded here. At the beginning of the 18th century
Streets of Okhotsk5 Form: Bekh Y., Kozmenkova D., Chimitdorzieva A., Afanasiev Okhotsk village located on the northern coast of the Okhotsk Sea. This Pass years, decades, centuries, and the main street of Okhotsk remains the Belolipskaya Street . Konstantin V. Belolipsky was born in Leningrad. He In 1936, the bandits robbed the store and escaped in the Vostretsov StreetThe name of Stepan Sergeyevich Vostretsov, a wonderful commander, the On arrival in 1925 he was appointed the representative of the OGPU The team of 31 people-it was the Tomsk Cossacks went up the On the coast Moskvitin stayed for 2 years. The squad scouted Each street keep memory about heroes, our history and connect with our country.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Okhotsk village located on the northern coast

Okhotsk village located on the northern coast of the Okhotsk

of the Okhotsk Sea. This is one of the oldest

settlements of the Far East. More in 1674 Cossack cabin was founded here. At the beginning of the 18th century it was built the port, which became the main base of the Siberian military flotilla guarding the coast and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. In 1783 Okhotsk was granted city status

Слайд 3 Pass years, decades, centuries, and the main street

Pass years, decades, centuries, and the main street of Okhotsk remains

of Okhotsk remains the Central site of an ancient

village, where "in the days of the celebrations and people's troubles" attracts people to festivals, demonstrations, rallies and marches. And today she is the most beautiful and wide streets-Lenin street.

Слайд 4
Belolipskaya Street .
Konstantin V. Belolipsky

Belolipskaya Street . Konstantin V. Belolipsky was born in Leningrad.

was born in Leningrad. He was admitted to the

party, and after the Central rate of the OGPU he was sent to Okhotsk by the head of the interior Ministry. The situation in the Okhotsk was difficult: the Japanese were leaked on the Okhotsk coast. Summer was caught a Japanese schooner, and fall arrested fugitive criminal.

Слайд 5 In 1936, the bandits robbed the store

In 1936, the bandits robbed the store and escaped in

and escaped in the forest. Belolipsky organized the pursuit.

The bandits were detained. Belolipsky accompanying a wounded comrade froze before they could only 600m from the housing. Grateful ohatchee remember him, and modest signs on the homes named in honor of the hero of the street will forever cherish the memory of the security officer K. V. Belolipsky

Слайд 6
Vostretsov Street
The name of Stepan Sergeyevich

Vostretsov StreetThe name of Stepan Sergeyevich Vostretsov, a wonderful commander,

Vostretsov, a wonderful commander, the most venerable on the

Okhotsk coast. In the same village there is a monument to the famous commander. Also in his honor named street. He freed the Okhotsk and Ayan from the whites, was 4 times awarded the order of red banner.

Слайд 7 On arrival in 1925 he was appointed the

On arrival in 1925 he was appointed the representative of the

representative of the OGPU and border detachment, which was

part of the struggle with counterrevolutionary forces and protecting the revolutionary achievements of the workers of the coast

Karpinsky street

Слайд 8 The team of 31 people-it was the Tomsk

The team of 31 people-it was the Tomsk Cossacks went up

Cossacks went up the river to the river May

Nudymi and it went to the Dzhugdzhur Ridge and further along the river the Hive came down to the shores of the sea of Okhotsk. The squad went Pacific Ocean.

Moskvitin street

Слайд 9
On the coast Moskvitin stayed for 2

On the coast Moskvitin stayed for 2 years. The squad

years. The squad scouted the shore for 1200km and

made valuable geographical description of the territory. Subsequently described in the "Painting" river Okhota gave name to the sea, to which came a detachment Moskvitina

Слайд 10
Each street keep memory about heroes,

Each street keep memory about heroes, our history and connect with our country.

our history and connect with our country.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-streets-of-okhotsk-na-konkurs-ob-ohotske-na-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 0