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Презентация на тему Искусство (11 класс)

Paul KleePaul Klee was born on 18 December 1879 near Bern in Switzerland into the family of Hans Klee, a music teacher, and his wife Maria Frick, also a musician. As a boy Paul learned to
ArtPaul KleeA bird and a cat11th formУчитель МАОУ «Гимназия № 23»г.Троицк Челябинской области: Зеленина Ю.В. Paul KleePaul Klee was born on 18 December 1879 near Bern in He liked cats. And he had them a lot. His favorite cat A Cat and A Bird Paul Klee wanted to find the “grammar of art” and believed it Here is the drawing. One day he told a story to his students and drew a
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Paul Klee
Paul Klee was born on 18 December

Paul KleePaul Klee was born on 18 December 1879 near Bern

1879 near Bern in Switzerland into the family of

Hans Klee, a music teacher, and his wife Maria Frick, also a musician. As a boy Paul learned to play violin. As well as his training in music, he received a thorough classical education in the Literarschule in Bern. Ancient Greek, modern French, classic and contemporary French and German art, and literature were his favorites. Klee graduated from the school in 1898. 
Paul Klee was a Swiss-German artist known for the fine lines and playful geometry in his illustrations.

Слайд 4 He liked cats. And he had them a

He liked cats. And he had them a lot. His favorite

lot. His favorite cat was his white Bimbo.
Time to

time Klee drew cats in his pictures.

Слайд 5 A Cat and A Bird

A Cat and A Bird

Слайд 6 Paul Klee wanted to find the “grammar of

Paul Klee wanted to find the “grammar of art” and believed

art” and believed it was based on dot, line,

plane and space. He called these “elements” and said they must be found in every picture.
The character of the material, in this case pen and ink on paper, and the “elements” of line, dot, plane and space express the feelings of the artist.
Paul Klee was born near Bern, Switzerland. He studied in Germany and lived there until 1933. He left Germany and returned to Switzerland when the Nazis made life and freedom of expression difficult.
Four main elements in his art are dot, line, plane and space.

Слайд 7 Here is the drawing.

Here is the drawing.

  • Имя файла: iskusstvo-11-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 1
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