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Презентация на тему Открытый урок по теме США

Quiz Task 1 Look at the map and give as many facts as you know about the USA
THE USA Quiz  Task 1 Look at the Task 2 Listening Listen to the story and answer the questions Questions Where did the Pilgrims go in September 1620?Who did Lizzy meet What was the weather like at first?How did the weather change?Who fell into the sea? Task 3 Reading Read the story and choose the 4.a)They didn’t have any problems in America.  b)They had a lot Task 4 Solve the crossword puzzle Task 5 Let’s play the game Jeopardy Task 6 Sing a songThis land is your landThis land is your As I was walking that ribbon of highwayI saw above me that
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Quiz Task 1 Look at the map and give as

Quiz Task 1 Look at the map and

many facts as you know about the USA

Слайд 4 Task 2 Listening Listen to the story and answer

Task 2 Listening Listen to the story and answer the

the questions
Pilgrims – путешественники rough – штормовой,
бушующий rail -

перила to drag - тащить

Слайд 5 Questions
Where did the Pilgrims go in September

Questions Where did the Pilgrims go in September 1620?Who did Lizzy

Who did Lizzy meet on board the ship?
What did

Lizzy and John Parker use to do?

Слайд 6 What was the weather like at first?
How did

What was the weather like at first?How did the weather change?Who fell into the sea?

the weather change?
Who fell into the sea?

Слайд 7 Task 3 Reading Read the story and choose the

Task 3 Reading Read the story and choose the

sentences true to the text
1.a)The Mayflower was a comfortable

b)The passengers were not comfortable.
2.a)The ship was very small.
b)There was a tennis court on the ship.
3.a)The baby was born on the ship.
b)The baby was born in America.

Слайд 8
4.a)They didn’t have any problems in America.

4.a)They didn’t have any problems in America. b)They had a lot

b)They had a lot of problems in America.
5.a)The weather

was bad while they were building their houses.
b)The weather was bad while they were making their farms.
6.a)The tradition of Thanksgiving started in America.
b)Thanksgiving used to be an English tradition.

Слайд 9 Task 4 Solve the crossword puzzle

Task 4 Solve the crossword puzzle

Слайд 10 Task 5
Let’s play the game Jeopardy

Task 5 Let’s play the game Jeopardy

Слайд 11 Task 6 Sing a song
This land is your

Task 6 Sing a songThis land is your landThis land is

This land is your land, this land is my

From California to the New York island
From the red-wood forest to the Gulf Stream water;
This land was made for you and me.

  • Имя файла: otkrytyy-urok-po-teme-ssha.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0