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Презентация на тему Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме Спорт

Guess the proverbBody,a sound, in, a sound, mind.A sound mind in a sound body.
su Guess the proverbBody,a sound, in, a sound, mind.A The programme of the competitions1. The marathon race of words.2. The History The marathon of words The History of the Olympic games1.The First Ancient Games were held ina) 6. The blue ring symbolizesa) America b) Africa    c) Europe   d) Asia7. Answers1. c2. d3. a4.c5.c6. c7. a8. c9. d10. c11. b Grammar SkillsPresent Perfect Passive or Simple Past Passive OPENTHEBRACKETSGrammar Skills 5. The new rules of water polo have been introduced 7. The “Spartak” Club was founded in 1935.6. National volleyball championships in Guess the sport1234 Check yourself1.B2.A3.D4.C Say it in english:- играть в теннис    - играть When people discuss the problem of going in for sports they give
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Guess the proverb

Body,a sound,

Guess the proverbBody,a sound, in, a sound, mind.A sound mind in a sound body.

in, a sound, mind.

A sound mind in a sound


Слайд 4 The programme of the competitions
1. The marathon race

The programme of the competitions1. The marathon race of words.2. The

of words.
2. The History of the Olympic Games.
3. Grammar

4. Musical Pause
5. Guess the sport.
6. Say it in English.
7. How well do you know the history of the Olympic Games?
8. Sport in my life.

Слайд 5 The marathon of words

The marathon of words

Слайд 6 The History of the Olympic games
1.The First Ancient

The History of the Olympic games1.The First Ancient Games were held

Games were held in
a) Italy           c) Greeсe
b) Germany    d)

2.The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in
a) London               c) Rome
b) Barselona            d) Athens
3.Who founded the Modern Olympic Games?
a) Pierre de Coubertin   b) A. Butovskiy
c)D.Vikelas                   d) K.Shuman
4. The Olympic Games are held every
a) 2 years                    b) 6 years
c) 4 years                     d) 8 years
5.   The Olympic symbol is
a) 4 interlaced squares b) 3 blue stars c) 5 interlaced rings

6. The blue ring symbolizes
a) America b) Africa    c) Europe   d) Asia
7. Russia began to take part in the Olympic Games is
a) 1908   b) 1924   c)1896    d)1920
8. Women started competing in
a) 1969   b) 1912     c) 1908   d) 1987
9. The Summer Olympic Games will be held in
a) Australia b) USA c) France d) Brazil
10. The 1980 Summer Olympic Games were held in
a) London   b) Montreal c) Moscow   d) Lake Placid
11The Mascot of Moscow 1980 Olympic Games was
a) Dog   b) Bear   c) Parrot d) Cheburashka

Слайд 7 6. The blue ring symbolizes
a) America b) Africa   

6. The blue ring symbolizesa) America b) Africa    c) Europe   d)

c) Europe   d) Asia
7. Russia began to take part

in the Olympic Games is
a) 1900   b) 1924   c)1896    d)1920
8. Women started competing in
a) 1969   b) 1912     c) 1900   d) 1987
9. The Summer Olympic Games will be held in
a) Australia b) USA c) France d) Brazil
10. The 1980 Summer Olympic Games were held in
a) London   b) Montreal c) Moscow   d) Lake Placid
11The Mascot of Moscow 1980 Olympic Games was
a) Dog   b) Bear   c) Parrot d) Cheburashka

Слайд 8 Answers
1. c
2. d
3. a
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. d

Answers1. c2. d3. a4.c5.c6. c7. a8. c9. d10. c11. b

11. b

Слайд 9 Grammar Skills
Present Perfect Passive or Simple Past Passive

Grammar SkillsPresent Perfect Passive or Simple Past Passive

Слайд 10 OPEN
Grammar Skills


Слайд 11
5. The new rules of water polo

5. The new rules of water polo have been introduced

have been introduced since 1950.
4. The first Olympic village

was built in 1932.

3. Football has been played with proper rules since 1863.

2. Basketball has been known since 1896.

1. The “Dinamo” Club was organized in 1923.

Слайд 12 7. The “Spartak” Club was founded in 1935.


7. The “Spartak” Club was founded in 1935.6. National volleyball championships

National volleyball championships in Russia have been held since


8. Rugby has been organized all over Britain since 1845.

9. The anthem has been played at the opening and closing ceremonies since 1958.

10. The first Olympic Games in the southern hemisphere were held in 1956.

Слайд 14 Guess the sport

Guess the sport1234

Слайд 15 Check yourself

Check yourself1.B2.A3.D4.C

Слайд 16
Say it in english:

- играть в теннис

Say it in english:- играть в теннис  - играть в

- играть в регби
- заниматься дзюдо
- ездить

на велосипеде
- заниматься штангой (поднимать тяжести)
- заниматься плаванием
- заниматься бегом
- заниматься прыжками
играть в теннис
заниматься гимнастикой

  • Имя файла: urok-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-8-klasse-po-teme-sport.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 0