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Презентация на тему Интерактивная раскраска A much more respectable bird, the Turkey

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Ресурс создан по шаблону,  подготовленному учителем математики МКОУ «Хотьковская СОШ» Думиничского Ребята! Сейчас вам предстоит ответить на несколько вопросов. Если вы ответите правильно, ______________called the turkey a “much more respectable bird”, 19891988198019911981Abraham Lincoln’s son pleaded that the turkey bird intended for Christmas dinner 5544336622Turkeys can run at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour a skiena flock a crewa strut a gaggleA male turkey is called a wattle a crooka snakea pina snood The flap of skin that 3818283323When a hen is ready to make little turkeys, she’ll lay about a stickya cygnet a chick a turkette a poult Baby turkeys eat mapleapplebirchoakhazel Turkeys are related to pheasants.Commercially raised turkeys cannot fly.Wild turkeys spend HalloweenChristmasThanksgivingEasterIndependence DayHenry VIII was the first English King to enjoy turkey and silvergoldenjewelledcrowneddeliciousThe turkey is believed to have been sacred in ancient Mexican cultures. patientdeliciousfunnyuglyfriendly See You Later! Источник:РаскраскаФон слайдов https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/14-fun-facts-about-turkeys-665520/https://web.extension.illinois.edu/turkey/turkey_facts.cfmhttps://thumbs.gfycat.com/WarlikeCompetentCirriped-max-1mb.gifhttps://w7.pngwing.com/pngs/225/535/png-transparent-painter-drawing-child-art-watercolor-painting-lottery-watercolor-painting-child-toddler.pngРесурс выполнен с применением технологического приёма «Интерактивная раскраска в программе
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ребята! Сейчас вам предстоит ответить на несколько вопросов. Если вы

Ребята! Сейчас вам предстоит ответить на несколько вопросов. Если вы ответите

ответите правильно, то картинка раскрасится. Желаю удачи!

Слайд 3 ______________called the turkey a “much more respectable bird”,

______________called the turkey a “much more respectable bird”,

“a bird of courage”, and “a true original native of America.”

Benjamin Franklin

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

Theodore Roosevelt

Слайд 4 1989
Abraham Lincoln’s son pleaded that the turkey bird

19891988198019911981Abraham Lincoln’s son pleaded that the turkey bird intended for Christmas

intended for Christmas dinner had a right to live

just like any other creature, but it wasn’t until _______________ during George H.W. Bush’s administration that the official pardoning ceremony started.

Слайд 5 55
Turkeys can run at speeds of up to

5544336622Turkeys can run at speeds of up to 25 miles per

25 miles per hour and fly as fast as

____________miles per hour.

Слайд 6 a skien
a flock
a crew
a strut
a gaggle

a skiena flock a crewa strut a gaggleA male turkey is

male turkey is called a “tom” and a female

is called a “hen.” What is a large group of
turkeys called?

Слайд 7 a wattle
a crook
a snake
a pin
a snood

a wattle a crooka snakea pina snood The flap of skin

flap of skin that hangs over a turkey’s beak

is called:
a. b. c. a graft d. a groat

Слайд 8 38
When a hen is ready to make little

3818283323When a hen is ready to make little turkeys, she’ll lay

turkeys, she’ll lay about 10 to 12 eggs, one

egg per day, over a period of about two weeks. The eggs will incubate for about _________ days before hatching.

Слайд 9 a sticky
a cygnet
a chick
a turkette

a stickya cygnet a chick a turkette a poult Baby turkeys

Baby turkeys eat berries, seeds and insects, while

adults have a more varied diet that can include acorns and even small reptiles. What is the name of a baby turkey?

Слайд 10 maple
Turkeys are related to pheasants.
Commercially raised turkeys

mapleapplebirchoakhazel Turkeys are related to pheasants.Commercially raised turkeys cannot fly.Wild turkeys

cannot fly.
Wild turkeys spend the night in trees. They

prefer ____________trees.

Слайд 11 Halloween
Independence Day
Henry VIII was the first English King

HalloweenChristmasThanksgivingEasterIndependence DayHenry VIII was the first English King to enjoy turkey

to enjoy turkey and Edward VII made turkey eating

fashionable at _________________.

Слайд 12 silver
The turkey is believed to have been sacred

silvergoldenjewelledcrowneddeliciousThe turkey is believed to have been sacred in ancient Mexican

in ancient Mexican cultures. The Mayans, Aztecs and Toltecs

referred to the turkey as the ‘Great Xolotl’, viewing them as ‘_____________ birds’.

Слайд 13 patient
"Dear God, I'm writing about some concerns I


have as a turkey. It seems that in your

infinite wisdom, you decided to make us fat, flightless, and evidently________. Did we say something to make you mad. Sincerely yours, Mr. Turkey"

Слайд 14 See You

See You Later!

  • Имя файла: interaktivnaya-raskraska-a-much-more-respectable-bird-the-turkey.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 111
  • Количество скачиваний: 0