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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему People and animals.

river [‘rɪvə]
People and animals  in the country and in the city river      [‘rɪvə] sea        [si:] ocean     [‘əʊʃ(ə)n] mountains     [‘maʊntɪnz] desert    [‘dɛzət], [dɪ’zɜ:t] forest      [‘fɒrɪst] zoo     [zu:] farm    [fɑ:m] a camel a whale a  dolphin an eagle Where do animals live? The eagle lives in the mountains. The ……. lives in the …….. The ……. lives in the …….. The ……. lives in the …….. The ……. lives in the …….. The ……. lives in the …….. The ……. lives in the …….. The ……. lives in the …….. The ……. lives on the …….. How do animals help people? to help people to carry  things to give clothes and food How do people help animals? to feed to wash to take for a walk to make a house My story about an animal:It is …It has got …It can …It We love animals!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 river [‘rɪvə]

river   [‘rɪvə]

Слайд 3 sea

sea    [si:]


Слайд 4 ocean [‘əʊʃ(ə)n]

ocean   [‘əʊʃ(ə)n]

Слайд 5 mountains [‘maʊntɪnz]

mountains   [‘maʊntɪnz]

Слайд 6 desert [‘dɛzət], [dɪ’zɜ:t]

desert  [‘dɛzət], [dɪ’zɜ:t]

Слайд 7 forest [‘fɒrɪst]

forest   [‘fɒrɪst]

Слайд 8 zoo [zu:]

zoo   [zu:]

Слайд 9 farm [fɑ:m]

farm  [fɑ:m]

Слайд 10 a camel

a camel

Слайд 11 a whale

a whale

Слайд 12 a dolphin

a dolphin

Слайд 13 an eagle

an eagle

Слайд 14 Where do animals live?

Where do animals live?

Слайд 15 The eagle lives in the mountains.

The eagle lives in the mountains.

Слайд 16
The ……. lives in the ……..

The ……. lives in the ……..

Слайд 17 The ……. lives in the ……..

The ……. lives in the ……..

Слайд 18 The ……. lives in the ……..

The ……. lives in the ……..

Слайд 19
The ……. lives in the ……..

The ……. lives in the ……..

Слайд 20
The ……. lives in the ……..

The ……. lives in the ……..

Слайд 21
The ……. lives in the ……..

The ……. lives in the ……..

Слайд 22
The ……. lives in the ……..

The ……. lives in the ……..

Слайд 23
The ……. lives on the ……..

The ……. lives on the ……..

Слайд 24 How do animals help people?

How do animals help people?

Слайд 25 to help people

to help people

Слайд 26 to carry things

to carry things

Слайд 27 to give clothes and food

to give clothes and food

Слайд 28 How do people help animals?

How do people help animals?

Слайд 29 to feed

to feed

Слайд 30 to wash

to wash

Слайд 31 to take for a walk

to take for a walk

Слайд 32 to make a house

to make a house

Слайд 33 My story about an animal:
It is …
It has

My story about an animal:It is …It has got …It can

got …
It can …
It likes …
It lives in …

helps people, …
People …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-people-and-animals.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 167
  • Количество скачиваний: 0