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Презентация на тему по теме Colours.Foods.School. с интерактивным заданием

Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It will help you feel your best and have plenty of energy. It can help you handle stress better.Why we should
Colours.  Foods. School. Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, Each different color fruit and vegetables contains unique health components that are Red foods Red foods get you moving. They give you extra boost, Orange foods Orange foods are brain food. They help improve powers of Yellow foodsYellow foods help us stay happy. They make you more optimistic. Green foods.Green foods keep your emotions under control. These foods are good Blue foodsBlue foods are soothing, both emotionally and physically, and prepare you Purple foodsPurple foods make people more creative. These foods can keep you Most people know that fruits and vegetables are an important part of It’s really difficult to wake up in the morning. You should be For nosh at school you can eat some yellow food. You should For lunch you should eat something orange. You’ll have to do homework, For dinner you can eat something green. In the evening everyone wants What color are these fruits? 1)fig4)strawberry 3)pea9)pumpkin8)grape7)lettuce5)melon2)raisin6)celery
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Healthy eating will help you get the right

Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins,

balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It will

help you feel your best and have plenty of energy. It can help you handle stress better.

Why we should have healthy eating habits?

Слайд 3 Each different color fruit and vegetables contains unique

Each different color fruit and vegetables contains unique health components that

health components that are essential to our health. There

are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple colors.

Слайд 4 Red foods
Red foods get you moving. They

Red foods Red foods get you moving. They give you extra

give you extra boost, will protect you from many

serious illnesses and can keep you active for longer inspite of all your homework. Examples: apple, watermelon, strawberry, tomato, cherry and etc.

Слайд 5 Orange foods
Orange foods are brain food. They

Orange foods Orange foods are brain food. They help improve powers

help improve powers of concentration and have lots of

vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body fight off infections and concentrate at the lessons. Examples: carrot, orange, peach, pumpkin and etc.

Слайд 6 Yellow foods
Yellow foods help us stay happy. They

Yellow foodsYellow foods help us stay happy. They make you more

make you more optimistic. Just eat something yellow and

you will feel a bit better. Go ahead !
Examples: banana, lemon, corn, pineapple and etc.

Слайд 7 Green foods.
Green foods keep your emotions under control.

Green foods.Green foods keep your emotions under control. These foods are

These foods are good for you because they contain

vitamins and minerals that keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy.
Examples: broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers, pear and etc.

Слайд 8 Blue foods
Blue foods are soothing, both emotionally and

Blue foodsBlue foods are soothing, both emotionally and physically, and prepare

physically, and prepare you for a good night’s rest.

So if your tummy starts rumbling, you can eat bowl of blueberries or raisins.
Examples: blueberry, raisins, blackberry and etc.

Слайд 9 Purple foods
Purple foods make people more creative. These

Purple foodsPurple foods make people more creative. These foods can keep

foods can keep you looking young! You will have

less lines and wrinkles.
Examples: fig, grape, plum, aubergine and etc.

Слайд 10 Most people know that fruits and vegetables are

Most people know that fruits and vegetables are an important part

an important part of a healthy, balanced diet and

can help to fill us up when we’re trying to lose weight. But we should eat them in the correct way.

Слайд 11 It’s really difficult to wake up in the

It’s really difficult to wake up in the morning. You should

morning. You should be energetic at school. So if

you eat something red in the morning, you will be active all day!
E.g. eat 2 big apples for breakfast .

Слайд 12 For nosh at school you can eat some

For nosh at school you can eat some yellow food. You

yellow food. You should be more optimistic , because

studying is really tiring and boring.
E.g. eat 2 bananas, because it’s convenient to take them to school.

Слайд 13 For lunch you should eat something orange. You’ll

For lunch you should eat something orange. You’ll have to do

have to do homework, so because of this kind

of food your brain will work better.
E.g. eat 3 carrots and 2 oranges.

Слайд 14 For dinner you can eat something green. In

For dinner you can eat something green. In the evening everyone

the evening everyone wants to have a rest. So

green foods will help you calm down your emotions.
E.g. eat 2 pears and 1 apple.

Слайд 15 What color are these fruits?

What color are these fruits? 1)fig4)strawberry 3)pea9)pumpkin8)grape7)lettuce5)melon2)raisin6)celery

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-coloursfoodsschool-s-interaktivnym-zadaniem.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
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