Слайд 3
Riddles You can put your pens, pencils and rubbers
in it.
You can write your homework using it.
You can
draw pictures using it.
You can wear it to school.
You can rub words and line using it.
Слайд 4
Загляни-ка в темный шкаф, Там на полке шарфик
- ? Рядом дремлет серый кот, Вот висит пальтишко -
? Кто и что здесь разберет – Юбка - ? , рубашка - ? , Ничего приятней нет, Чем примерить шляпу - ? . Раз ты в шкаф уже залез, Не забудь про платье - ? , Про костюм парадный - ? Вот он, черный, тут как тут. В шкафу подолгу не сиди, Померил все – и уходи.
Слайд 5
Make up word combinations small new clean gold short nice star dirty red
Слайд 6
3aкончи разговор между покупателем (C) и продавцом (A).
Can I ... you?
C: Show me the ... ,
A: Here ... ....
C: I like the .... How much ... ...?
A: ... pounds.
C: Thank you. Bye.
A: ...
clothes. It‘s different in many countries. In Japan it consists of a black skirt, white shirt and a red tie (for girls). Few schools in the United States have formal school uniforms, but most have dress codes.
Слайд 17
Most British pupils wear uniforms. Boys wear a
white shirt, long grey or black trousers, sweater with
the school logo on tie, black shoes. The colour is different. Girls wear trousers or skirts as part of their uniform –often black, grey or brown. In summer girls often wear summer school dresses.
Слайд 18
A school uniform came to Russia from England.
The first uniform were for boys and some years
later for girls. Boys had special shirts, trousers, black boots and a cap. Girls wore dresses and aprons. Now each school has the right to choose the school uniform. There is also a modern tradition for girls to dress into brown soviet-style school uniform for their graduation.