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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Dasha (сказка)

DASHAAverenskaia Lera, Buzova Lena, Amiraslanova Aishan,Dorzhieva Sasha, Maksimova Sayana, Kaplun Sasha, Vasyuchkov Gleb, Konovalov RodionForm 3, Yakutsk
DASHAAverenskaia Lera, Buzova Lena, Amiraslanova Aishan,Dorzhieva Sasha, Maksimova Sayana, Kaplun Sasha, Vasyuchkov Once upon a time, there was a girl She could not  walk, run or jump. She had aching legs Dasha was very fond of reading and looking at pictures with One day the girl was sitting in the carriage in the garden. She went to Dasha and said: -Hello, little girl. My name is -You came to the right place. After all, I’m the director Dasha  started to dance. She became friends with the children and And then came that joyful day. There was a big ball. Dasha And suddenly Dasha got up to take flowers. And she took the first step forward, “hooray”. Many years later, a beautiful young dance teacher Daria Vasilyevna works in the palace .
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 DASHA
Averenskaia Lera, Buzova Lena, Amiraslanova Aishan,
Dorzhieva Sasha, Maksimova

DASHAAverenskaia Lera, Buzova Lena, Amiraslanova Aishan,Dorzhieva Sasha, Maksimova Sayana, Kaplun Sasha,

Sayana, Kaplun Sasha, Vasyuchkov Gleb, Konovalov Rodion

Form 3, Yakutsk

Слайд 3 Once upon a time,

Once upon a time, there was a girl named

there was a girl named Dasha. She lived

in an orphanage because she has no family.

Слайд 4 She could not walk, run or

She could not walk, run or jump. She had aching legs

jump. She had aching legs

Слайд 5 Dasha was very fond of reading and

Dasha was very fond of reading and looking at pictures

looking at pictures with dancers. She dreamed of

a beautiful dress and how she dance at the ball.

Слайд 6 One day the girl was sitting in the

One day the girl was sitting in the carriage in the

carriage in the garden. At this time a

white car drove up to the orphanage. A beautiful young women came out to her

Слайд 7 She went to Dasha and said: -Hello, little girl.

She went to Dasha and said: -Hello, little girl. My name

My name is Irina Petrovna. And you? -Hello! My name

is Dasha -Why are you sitting alone? “They all went to the theater and I stayed,” answered Dasha. The woman sat down besides the bench and they began to talk. -And what are you dreaming about, Dasha? The girl told her about her big dream.

Слайд 8 -You came to the right place. After

-You came to the right place. After all, I’m the

all, I’m the director of the dance school. I’ll

teach you to dance

Слайд 9 Dasha started to dance. She became friends

Dasha started to dance. She became friends with the children and

with the children and she had a partner- the

boy Misha. Tears of joy rolled down her face when she opened the door of the dance palace and rolled along the long corridor to the ballet class. There a teacher and little dancers were always waiting for her. Dasha learned a lot, she tried very hard.

Слайд 10 And then came that joyful day. There was

And then came that joyful day. There was a big ball.

a big ball. Dasha and Misha performed on the

stage. Everyone applauded and gave them flowers.

Слайд 11 And suddenly Dasha got up to take flowers.

And suddenly Dasha got up to take flowers. And she took the first step forward, “hooray”.

And she took the first step forward, “hooray”.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-dasha-skazka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 0