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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Необычные школы мира (10 класс)

Dongzhong Cave School, China.
World’s Most Unusual Schools Dongzhong Cave School, China. Located in one of the poorest areas of China, the Dongzhong cave Its unique location, in fact, was chosen because the villagers didn’t have Sadly, the school was closed by the government in 2011, because, in American School Terraset pupils are the children who attend school underground. The school was built in the mid-1970s, when the energy crisis shocked the U.S. The country has introduced energy saving mode, which was used, for heating The problem was solved with solar collectors. Today Terraset is not only Kompong Luong School (Cambodia) On the surface of the lake there is a famous tourist For students of the floating school it became their second home in gymnasium Orestad in Copenhagen This Building is designed by 3XN and it is a real piece In 2007 the school was named the best building in Scandinavia. This is the first school opened in Denmark in the national educational reform. Orestada Pupils are high school students who are getting higher education in Magnificent spiral staircase that connects the four levels of high school is Live and learn!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Dongzhong Cave School, China.

Dongzhong Cave School, China.

Слайд 3 Located in one of the poorest areas of

Located in one of the poorest areas of China, the Dongzhong

China, the Dongzhong cave school was established to provide

an education for children who did not attend school at all

Слайд 4 Its unique location, in fact, was chosen because

Its unique location, in fact, was chosen because the villagers didn’t

the villagers didn’t have the resources to build a


Слайд 5 Sadly, the school was closed by the government

Sadly, the school was closed by the government in 2011, because,

in 2011, because, in their words, the country, “is

not a society of cavemen.”

Слайд 7 American School Terraset pupils are the children who

American School Terraset pupils are the children who attend school underground.

attend school underground.

Слайд 8 The school was built in the mid-1970s, when

The school was built in the mid-1970s, when the energy crisis shocked the U.S.

the energy crisis shocked the U.S.

Слайд 9 The country has introduced energy saving mode, which

The country has introduced energy saving mode, which was used, for

was used, for heating schools. In Reston they built

a school Terraset.

Слайд 10 The problem was solved with solar collectors. Today

The problem was solved with solar collectors. Today Terraset is not

Terraset is not only the most energy-efficient school in

the country, but also one of the major tourist attractions in Reston.

Слайд 11 Kompong Luong School (Cambodia)

Kompong Luong School (Cambodia)

Слайд 12 On the surface of the lake there

On the surface of the lake there is a famous

is a famous tourist attraction of Cambodia – Kompong

Luong floating village: houses, cafes, shops and school.

Слайд 13 For students of the floating school it became

For students of the floating school it became their second home

their second home in the truest sense of the

word: orphans study there.

Слайд 14 gymnasium Orestad in Copenhagen

gymnasium Orestad in Copenhagen

Слайд 15 This Building is designed by 3XN and it

This Building is designed by 3XN and it is a real

is a real piece of modern art, both inside

and outside.

Слайд 16 In 2007 the school was named the best

In 2007 the school was named the best building in Scandinavia.

building in Scandinavia.

Слайд 17 This is the first school opened in Denmark

This is the first school opened in Denmark in the national educational reform.

in the national educational reform.

Слайд 18 Orestada Pupils are high school students who are

Orestada Pupils are high school students who are getting higher education

getting higher education in the media. The word “communication”

sounds here at every step.

Слайд 19 Magnificent spiral staircase that connects the four levels

Magnificent spiral staircase that connects the four levels of high school

of high school is called the heart of the

building. During breaks, the students lay on the pillows and look at the bright lights.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-neobychnye-shkoly-mira-10-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 323
  • Количество скачиваний: 5