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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Профессии 4 -5классы.

Our Professions
Good morning! Our Professions she,she,itwork Match the second part of these sentencesThe driver The postman The waiter My uncle Bob is fifty years old. He is tall with dark Listen to the song Where does he work? Who is he?What is his name? Is Read the dialogue-- Who is he?-- Kate BrownJohn BrownTed Brown Good luck!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Our Professions

Our Professions

Слайд 4 s


Слайд 5 Match the second part of these sentences
The driver

Match the second part of these sentencesThe driver The postman The

The postman
The waiter
The actor
The baker


e.g. The mechanic works at a garage

at a café

at a garage

at the theatre

at the baker’s

at the hospital

at the post office

Слайд 7 My uncle Bob is fifty years old. He

My uncle Bob is fifty years old. He is tall with

is tall with dark hair and green eyes. Uncle

Bob is a doctor. He work at the hospital in Boston. Uncle Bob doesn’t wears a uniform, but he wear a white coat. He help sick people. In his free time Uncle Bob read interesting books and plays football. I thinks my Uncle Bob is great.

Find some mistakes in the verbs

Слайд 8 Listen to the song

Listen to the song

Слайд 10 Where does he work?

Who is he?

Where does he work? Who is he?What is his name?

is his name?
Is he a pilot?
Then,what is he?

what do you want to be?

His name is Ted Brown.

He is a doctor.
He is my father.

I want to be a plumber.

No, he is not.

He works at the hospital.

Слайд 11 Read the dialogue
-- Who is he?

Read the dialogue-- Who is he?--    He is

He is my father

What is his name?
--- His name is Ted Brown
---Is he a pilot?
--- No, he is not.
--- Then, what is he?
--- He is a doctor.
--- Where does he work?
--- He works at the hospital.
---- And what do you what to be?
---- I want to be a plumber.

Слайд 12 Kate Brown
John Brown
Ted Brown

Kate BrownJohn BrownTed Brown

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-professii-4-5klassy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 2