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Презентация на тему к уроку What do you know about the history of the USA?

 Thanksgiving Quiz.Circle the best answer in each sentence. (выбрать лучший ответ)These European settlers sailed to North America in 1620. What were they called? PilgrimsIndiansAmericans 2. The name of their ship was the … A. Harvest B. Plymouth C.
THANKSGIVING DAY NOWDAYS  Thanksgiving Quiz.Circle the best answer in each sentence. (выбрать лучший ответ)These European
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Слайд 2  Thanksgiving Quiz.

Circle the best answer in each sentence.

 Thanksgiving Quiz.Circle the best answer in each sentence. (выбрать лучший ответ)These

(выбрать лучший ответ)

These European settlers sailed to North America

in 1620. What were they called? 
2. The name of their ship was the …
A. Harvest
B. Plymouth
C. Mayflower

3. The pilgrims celebrated the first … in the fall of 1621.
A. Christmas
B. Thanksgiving Day
C. Easter

4. The year the Pilgrims had a great feast. 
A. 1621
B. 1622
C. 1620
5. It is the name of the season in which Thanksgiving is celebrated.
A. Autumn
B. Spring
C. Summer

 6. They helped the Englishmen to survive (выжить) in winter of 1621.
A. Americans
B. Indians
C. Russians

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-what-do-you-know-about-the-history-of-the-usa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
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