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Презентация на тему к уроку: Конструкция There is / There are 3 класс

Запишите словаChemist‘baker’s pet shop bookshop police station hospital bank the museum shopping center
There is / There are Запишите словаChemist‘baker’s pet shop bookshop police station hospital bank the museum shopping center Complete the senteces with there is (there are). Дополните предложения  1)______ Составьте предложения1. in/ the city /there /shop/ is2. are/in/the town/there/museums/3. there/baker’s/is/the city/in4. Отрицательное предложениеThere is not – there isn’tThere are not – there aren’tThere
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Запишите слова
baker’s pet shop bookshop police station hospital bank the museum shopping center

Запишите словаChemist‘baker’s pet shop bookshop police station hospital bank the museum shopping center

Слайд 3 Complete the senteces with there is (there are).

Complete the senteces with there is (there are). Дополните предложения 1)______

Дополните предложения
1)______ a bookshop in Green Street. 2)______ two

cafes in Green street. 3)______a park in Green Street. 4)______four banks in Green Street. 6)______a hospital in Green Street. 7)______two police stations in Green Streen. 8)______a bakery in Green Streen. 9)______a pet shop and a car park in Green Streen. 10)_____three museums and a cinema in Green Sttreet.

Слайд 4 Составьте предложения
1. in/ the city /there /shop/ is

Составьте предложения1. in/ the city /there /shop/ is2. are/in/the town/there/museums/3. there/baker’s/is/the

are/in/the town/there/museums/
3. there/baker’s/is/the city/in
4. police station/in/there/in the town/is
5. are/there/pet

shops/in/the town.
6. in/ the city /there /hospital/ is
7. are/in/the town/there/banks/

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-konstruktsiya-there-is-there-are-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0