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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка на тему Food and Shopping (УМК Spotlight 8, модуль 2)

How many bars of chocolate do you eat per week?How many litre of milk do you drink per week? How many teaspoons of sugar do you take in your tea?Do
Our aims are: to learn new words and expressions concerning Eating habits How many bars  of chocolate do you eat per week?How many Do you know the meaning of these Food preparation verbs?Slice – нарезать ________: cabbage________: a mixture for a cake________: apple, fruit, pizza________: juice, Find the odd word in each exampleEggs : scrambled, poached, roast, boiled, Ordering food and drinkAct out short dialogues: LET’S HAVE A REST USING NOUNSWords that are used only in the plural are:Scissors, scales, Clothes, IDIOMS1. his cup of tea 2. spill the beans 3. a piece ListeningFirst dialogueFirst of all, there were so many dishes to choose from.The Second dialogueWhen we left I was still hungry.The prices turned out to greengrocer'schemist'sbaker'spet shopbutcher'snewsagent'soptician'sflorist'sfishmonger'sgrocer'santique shopbakery
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 How many bars of chocolate do you

How many bars of chocolate do you eat per week?How many

eat per week?
How many litre of

milk do you drink per week?
How many teaspoons of sugar do you take in your tea?
Do you add a pinch of salt to your salad?
How many slice of cheese do you put in your sandwich?
How many loaves of brown bread do you buy a week?

Pinch, bar, teaspoon, loaf, slice, litre

Слайд 3 Do you know the meaning of these Food

Do you know the meaning of these Food preparation verbs?Slice –

preparation verbs?
Slice – нарезать ломтиками
Peel – снять кожицу, очистить

- налить
Chop- покрошить
Grate- натереть
Beat - отбить, взбить

Слайд 4 ________: cabbage

________: a mixture for a cake


________: cabbage________: a mixture for a cake________: apple, fruit, pizza________:

apple, fruit, pizza

________: juice, milk

________: orange, carrot
What should you

do with foods and drinks?

Слайд 5 Find the odd word in each example

Eggs :

Find the odd word in each exampleEggs : scrambled, poached, roast,

scrambled, poached, roast, boiled, fried

Potatoes: baked, roast, pickled, boiled,


Rice: boiled, steamed, roast

Chicken: baked, roast, grilled, mashed, fried

Fish: baked, grilled, scrambled, poached, fried

Слайд 6 Ordering food and drink
Act out short dialogues:

Ordering food and drinkAct out short dialogues:



Words that are used only in the

USING NOUNSWords that are used only in the plural are:Scissors, scales,

plural are:

Scissors, scales,
Clothes, trousers
Police, stairs
News, means

Words that are

used only in the singular are:

Luggage, money, information, equipment, advice, furniture, ..
Physics, Maths,…

Слайд 9 IDIOMS

1. his cup of tea
2. spill the

IDIOMS1. his cup of tea 2. spill the beans 3. a

3. a piece of cake
4. with a pinch

of salt
5. crying over spilt milk

Слайд 10 Listening
First dialogue

First of all, there were so many

ListeningFirst dialogueFirst of all, there were so many dishes to choose

dishes to choose from.

The portions were huge.

I was really

full when we finished.

Слайд 11 Second dialogue

When we left I was still hungry.

Second dialogueWhen we left I was still hungry.The prices turned out

prices turned out to be reasonable.
The waiter mixed up

our order.
I wouldn’t recommend it.
There was a really long queue.
They tried to overcharge us.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-na-temu-food-and-shopping-umk-spotlight-8-modul-2.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 3