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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Весенние праздники (5 класс)

Celebrations in spring
Celebrations in spring The aim is learning celebrations in spring Great Britain Russia On what holidays do people usually do the following? 1. People wear Let’s have a rest Tatarstan Who did celebrate your birthday in this month? ButterSugarMilkEggsFlourStrawberryFruits Happy Birthday Homeworkp.100 ex.4 write the short information about birthday in your country.If you What did we do?I liked to speak about…The most interesting for me The lesson is over.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Celebrations in spring

Celebrations in spring

Слайд 4 The aim is learning
celebrations in spring

The aim is learning celebrations in spring

Слайд 5 Great Britain

Great Britain

Слайд 6 Russia


Слайд 7 On what holidays do people usually do the

On what holidays do people usually do the following? 1. People


1. People wear green clothes.
2. Children make

presents to their mothers.
3. Children present flowers to war veterans.
4. The Lent begins after this celebration.
5. This holiday celebrates on 21st of March.
6. Children and parents decorate a Christmas tree.

St.Patrick’s Day

Mother’s Day

Victory Day



New Year

Слайд 8 Let’s have a rest

Let’s have a rest

Слайд 9 Tatarstan


Слайд 10 Who did celebrate your birthday in this month?

Who did celebrate your birthday in this month?

Слайд 11 Butter


Слайд 12 Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Слайд 13 Homework

p.100 ex.4 write the short information about birthday

Homeworkp.100 ex.4 write the short information about birthday in your country.If

in your country.
If you want «5» you must write

50-60 words
If you want «4» - 40-50 words
If you want «3» -30-40 words

Слайд 14 What did we do?

I liked to speak about…

What did we do?I liked to speak about…The most interesting for

most interesting for me was …
As for me, I

have learnt more about …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-vesennie-prazdniki-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0