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Презентация на тему к уроку 8 класс СМИ


Press Television Radio The Internet
MASS MEDIAGood or bad? Press  Television Radio  The Internet Television Broadcasting Corporations News Programs shown several times a day tell you about all the important events. All children and most adults love cartoons The series is a talk show is the program, in which several of the invited participants Some people like watching advertising. Advertising helps us choose the right productWeather The most popular British TV channels are: BBC OneBBC TwoBBC ThreeBBC FourITVChannel 4Sky1 ghdabefjikcsoap operatalk showgame shownewscartooncomedyhorroradventure filmreality showadvertisement sport What is a radio?The process of sending and receiving messages through the A Radio in the UKBBC radio Commercial Radio: BBC-BBC Radio 1 (Radio 1 SBC). famous disc jockeys put the music BBC-BBC Radio 5 live (BBC Radio 5 Live). Mostly sports and news Find the correct translation3.Miss a radio programme4.Get news over the radio2.Turn the there are two kinds of Newspapers in Britainone is big and has The other, called the tabloids is smaller in size, have more pictures The Sunday Times - Sunday broadsheet newspaper published in the United Kingdom.The The Daily TelegraphThe most popular daily newspaper large format, setting out the This is a real newspaper. You should determine type of this newspaper.Newspaper INTERNET is the most popular mass media What can you do in internet?Talking to friendsOnline shopping The Internet is:a network of computers;an information resource;a communication system;a community of users;a collection of services. World Wide Web (www.) is the set of pages that are linked Site is a group of pages that belongto one organization.Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждениесредняя Social Network is a website that isdesigned for social interaction of people.* for example…Vkontakte Facebook OdnoklassnikiAs well as…www.liveinternet.ruwww.blogs.mail.ru www.Gosuslugi.ru. www.  Mail.Ru:and many others. There are many advantages of Internet. I thinkthat the Internet becomes a make phrases out of these words make phrases out of these words MASS MEDIAGood or bad?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Press Television Radio

Press Television Radio The Internet

The Internet

Слайд 3 Television


Слайд 4 Broadcasting Corporations

Broadcasting Corporations

Слайд 5 News Programs shown several times a day tell

News Programs shown several times a day tell you about all the important events.

you about all the important events.

Слайд 6 All children and most adults
love cartoons

All children and most adults love cartoons The series is

The series is a film
consisting of three or

more series.

Soap (opera) is a film, consisting of several series.

Sports programs show
all kinds of sports competitions

TV show is entertainment programs,
which help to relax after a hard day.

Слайд 7 talk show is the program, in which

talk show is the program, in which several of the invited

of the invited participants
are leading the discussion

the proposed topics.

reality show is a mirror of modern life.

documentaries, science programs,
news and help
people to learn a lot.

We can watch a lot of
films on TV

Слайд 8 Some people like watching advertising.
Advertising helps us

Some people like watching advertising. Advertising helps us choose the right

choose the right product
Weather forecast. The weather
has always

been of interest to children and adults.
At any time of year it is important
to know what the weather will be.

Слайд 9 The most popular British TV channels are:

The most popular British TV channels are: BBC OneBBC TwoBBC ThreeBBC FourITVChannel 4Sky1

BBC Three
BBC Four
Channel 4

Слайд 10 g
soap opera
talk show
game show
adventure film
reality show

ghdabefjikcsoap operatalk showgame shownewscartooncomedyhorroradventure filmreality showadvertisement sport

Слайд 11 What is a radio?
The process of sending and

What is a radio?The process of sending and receiving messages through

receiving messages through the air , broadcasting programmes for

people to listen to

People can

get news- узнать новости

listen to music-послушать музыку

take part in talk shows- принимать участие в ток-шоу

Слайд 12 A Radio in the UK
BBC radio

A Radio in the UKBBC radio Commercial Radio:  A

Commercial Radio:
A service of the British

Broadcasting Corporation which has operated in the United Kingdom

The BBC radio services began in 1922.

BBC operates more than 40 stations that comprise 50% of all radio listening in the UK

Started in 1970s, now includes over 300 private stations.

Слайд 13 BBC-BBC Radio 1 (Radio 1 SBC). famous disc

BBC-BBC Radio 1 (Radio 1 SBC). famous disc jockeys put the

jockeys put the music from the charts
BBC-BBC Radio 2

(BBC Radio 2). Reports popular music of the period from 1960-ies up to our days.

BBC-BBC Radio 3 (BBC Radio 3). Classical music, jazz, and sometimes something out of Shakespeare.

BBC-BBC Radio 4 (BBC Radio4).
Overview of current events,
magazine programmes, Comedy,
drama, talk shows.

Слайд 14 BBC-BBC Radio 5 live (BBC Radio 5 Live).

BBC-BBC Radio 5 live (BBC Radio 5 Live). Mostly sports and

Mostly sports and news programmes
Classic FM (Classic FM).

The name says it all: classical music in an accessible format.

Virgin radio (Virgin Radio). Reports a mixture of old and new rock.

Слайд 15 Find the correct translation
3.Miss a radio programme
4.Get news

Find the correct translation3.Miss a radio programme4.Get news over the radio2.Turn

over the radio
2.Turn the radio on
1.Listen to the radio


a.Включить радио

d.Пропустить радиопередачу

c.Слушать новости по радио

Слайд 16 there are two kinds of Newspapers in Britain

there are two kinds of Newspapers in Britainone is big and

is big and has many detailed articles about national

and international events.

these Newspapers are called serious

Слайд 17 The other, called the tabloids is smaller in

The other, called the tabloids is smaller in size, have more

size, have more pictures and short articles about the

private lives of well - known people

many people buy such tabloids as "the Sun".
"the Sun" is the best-selling newspaper in Britain

The Sun is the British tabloid, founded in 1963.
Published in the UK and Ireland
The Sun newspaper is well known for stories about the life of stars, including scandals

Слайд 18 The Sunday Times - Sunday broadsheet newspaper

The Sunday Times - Sunday broadsheet newspaper published in the United

in the United Kingdom.
The Financial Times
The Financial Times daily

newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news internationally.

Слайд 19 The Daily Telegraph
The most popular daily newspaper large

The Daily TelegraphThe most popular daily newspaper large format, setting out

setting out the British and international news very

well and objectively.

Daily newspaper in the UK, one of the world's
most famous newspapers.

The Times

Слайд 20 This is a real newspaper. You should determine

This is a real newspaper. You should determine type of this

type of this newspaper.
Newspaper or magazine
Daily or weekly
Tabloid or

serious paper
Children`s or adult`s
Religious or political

is the most popular mass media

INTERNET is the most popular mass media

Слайд 22 What can you do
in internet?
Talking to friends

What can you do in internet?Talking to friendsOnline shopping


Слайд 23 The Internet is:
a network of computers;
an information resource;

The Internet is:a network of computers;an information resource;a communication system;a community of users;a collection of services.

communication system;
a community of users;
a collection of services.

Слайд 24 World Wide Web (www.) is the set of

World Wide Web (www.) is the set of pages that are

pages that are linked references.

* set – набор

* referance - ссылка

Слайд 25 Site is a group of pages that belong

Site is a group of pages that belongto one organization.Муниципальное общеобразовательное

one organization.

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №3 р.п. Земетчино

адрес: Россия, Пензенская область, район Земетчинский, р.п. Земетчино, ул. Молодежная, д.1
Фактический адрес: Россия, ул. Молодежная, д.1, р.п. Земетчино, Земетчинский район, Пензенская область, индекс 442000
Контактный телефон: (84155)2-16-49
Электронная почта: zemsh3@yandex.ru

* belong – принадлежать

Слайд 26 Social Network is a website that is
designed for

Social Network is a website that isdesigned for social interaction of

social interaction of people.

* designed – предназначеный
* interaction -


Слайд 27 for example…
As well as…

for example…Vkontakte Facebook OdnoklassnikiAs well as…www.liveinternet.ruwww.blogs.mail.ru www.Gosuslugi.ru. www. Mail.Ru:and many others.

www. Mail.Ru:
and many others.

Слайд 28 There are many advantages of Internet. I think

There are many advantages of Internet. I thinkthat the Internet becomes

the Internet becomes a way of a person life

it is very harmful for our health. I don't
against the Internet, but it should have reasonable

* advantage – преимущество; harmful - вредно against – против; reasonable - разумный

Слайд 29 make phrases out of these words

make phrases out of these words

Слайд 30 make phrases out of these words

make phrases out of these words

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-8-klass-smi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 2