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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Обычаи, традиции англоговорящих стран The English people. What are they Like? для 5-6 классов

The English. What are they like? The English are polite and are never tired of saying “ Thank you “ and “ I am sorry”. They are disciplined, you never talk loudly in the street.
Traditions and Customs of the English-speaking Countries  The English People. What The English. What are they like?  The English are polite and The English. What are they like?  They don't rush for seats The English. What are they like?  The English are a nation The English. What are they like?The fire is the focus of the The English. What are they like?  The love of gardens is The English. What are they like?  The English like growing plants The English. What are they like?England is a nation of animal lovers. The English. What are they like?How do they spend their week-ends?Those who The English. What are they like?  Saturday evening is the best The English. What are they like?On Sunday after breakfast they may go
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The English. What are they like?

The English. What are they like? The English are polite and

English are polite and are never tired of saying

“ Thank you “ and “ I am sorry”. They are disciplined, you never talk loudly in the street.

Слайд 3 The English. What are they like?

The English. What are they like? They don't rush for seats

don't rush for seats in buses and trains, but

they take their seats in queues at bus stops.

Слайд 4 The English. What are they like?

The English. What are they like? The English are a nation

English are a nation of stay-at-homes. The English say,

“There is no place like home” and “ My home is my castle”. English people prefer small houses, built for one family.

Слайд 5 The English. What are they like?
The fire is

The English. What are they like?The fire is the focus of

the focus of the English Home. The fireplace is

the centre of interest in the room. They like to sit round the fire and watch the dancing flames, talking.

Слайд 6 The English. What are they like?

The English. What are they like? The love of gardens is

love of gardens is a favourite tradition of the

English people. They always talk about gardens, of the best methods of growing roses.

Слайд 7 The English. What are they like?

The English. What are they like? The English like growing plants

English like growing plants in a window-box outside the

kitchen or in the garden near the house. They love flowers very much.

Слайд 8 The English. What are they like?
England is a

The English. What are they like?England is a nation of animal

nation of animal lovers.
5 million dogs
as many cats

million parrots
and other birds

aquarium fish

1 million exotic pets
such as reptiles

Слайд 9 The English. What are they like?
How do they

The English. What are they like?How do they spend their week-ends?Those

spend their week-ends?
Those who live in cities and towns

like to go out of town. They may go to stay in the country.
Those who stay at home try to do all the jobs they, were too busy to do during the week. Some go shopping, some do the chores - washing, cleaning, tidying. Some men do and watch sports.

Слайд 10 The English. What are they like?

The English. What are they like? Saturday evening is the best

evening is the best time for parties, dances, going

to the cinema or theatre.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-obychai-traditsii-anglogovoryashchih-stran-the-english-people-what-are-they-like-dlya-5-6-klassov.pptx
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