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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Where Are You Fom?

Phonetic drill [æ] cat, lamp, granny, map, dad, van [ju:] cute, tulip, student, pupil
Good morning! How Are You? Phonetic drill Let’s exercise our tongues!1. a queen Тема нашего урока Let’s exercise!Are you sad?Are you happy?Are you little? Listen and Read!  Послушай и прочитай! №192Where are you from, Ron? Let’s sing! Вставьте am, is, are 1. Kate ___ from London.2. Sue and Вставьте am, is, are7. Ben ___ not from Kiev. He ___ from Давайте отдохнем! Послушай диктора    196 а) Jim is a good cook. Найдите лишнее слово!blue, red, fox, green, blackbook, good, wood, see, cookcat, dog, Составьте вопросительные предложения!Rome/from/are/you?   Are you from Rome?2. from/Paris/you/are? Сегодня на уроке!Если тебе понравился урок и ты успешно справился со всеми Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитай текст и ответь на Послушайте аудиозапись  и повторите за диктором 190Are you from London, Sue? What is it? / Who is it?- It is a…
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Phonetic drill

Phonetic drill       [æ] cat, lamp,

[æ] cat, lamp,

granny, map, dad, van
[ju:] cute, tulip, student, pupil
[ou] rose, stone, phone, no
[i:] she, he, we, green, sweet, meet
[ei] cake, game, plane, plate, lake
[o] dog, clock, box, doll, troll
[∫] sheep, ship, fish, dish

Слайд 3 Let’s exercise our tongues!
1. a queen

Let’s exercise our tongues!1. a queen


a lamp
a good queen a green lamp
It is a good queen It is a bad green lamp

3. a tulip 4. a chimp
a red tulip a black chimp
a big red tulip a funny black chimp
It is a big red tulip It is a funny black chimp

Слайд 4 Тема нашего урока

Тема нашего урока

Слайд 5 Let’s exercise!
Are you sad?
Are you happy?
Are you little?

Let’s exercise!Are you sad?Are you happy?Are you little?

Yes, I am.

you big?
Are you old? No, I am not.
Are you cold?
Are you funny?
Are you bad?
Are you good?

Слайд 6 Listen and Read! Послушай и прочитай! №192
Where are

Listen and Read! Послушай и прочитай! №192Where are you from, Ron?

you from, Ron? – I’m from Boston.
Where are you

from, Mario and Sue? - - We are from Rome.
Where are you from, Olga and Kate? - - We are from Moscow.
Where are you from, Nicola? – I am from Paris.
Where are you from, Clara and Will? - - We are from Bonn.
Where are you from, Pedro? – I’m from Madrid.

Слайд 7 Let’s sing!

Let’s sing!

Слайд 8 Вставьте am, is, are
1. Kate ___ from London.

Вставьте am, is, are 1. Kate ___ from London.2. Sue

Sue and Lizzy ____ from Rome.
3. I ___ from

4. ___ you from Moscow? – Yes, I ___.
5. Tim ___ from Boston.
6. Mag and Jane ___ from Paris.








Слайд 9 Вставьте am, is, are
7. Ben ___ not from

Вставьте am, is, are7. Ben ___ not from Kiev. He ___

Kiev. He ___ from Bonn.
8. I ___ happy. I

___ not sad.
9. We ___ good. We ___ not bad.
10. Where ___ you from?
11. Where ___ you from, Clara?
12. Where ___ you from, Clara and Deb?










Слайд 10 Давайте отдохнем!

Давайте отдохнем!

Слайд 11 Послушай диктора 196
а) Jim

Послушай диктора  196 а) Jim is a good cook.

is a good cook.
б) Jim

is not a good cook.
2. а) We are from Paris.
б) We are not from Paris.
3. а) Rose and Ben are from Leeds.
б) Rose and Ben are not from Leeds.
4. а) I am cold.
б) I am not cold.
5. а) Sue is a good pupil.
б)Sue is not a good pupil.
6. а) Max and Victor are from Rome.
б) Max and Victor are not from Rome.

Слайд 12 Найдите лишнее слово!
blue, red, fox, green, black
book, good,

Найдите лишнее слово!blue, red, fox, green, blackbook, good, wood, see, cookcat,

wood, see, cook
cat, dog, kid, pen, pig, frog
stone, rose,

doll, bone, phone
we, chimp, she, it, he, you
bench, dish, fish, sheep, shelf
Ann, Mag, Tim, Sue, Bess

Слайд 13 Составьте вопросительные предложения!
Are you from

Составьте вопросительные предложения!Rome/from/are/you?  Are you from Rome?2. from/Paris/you/are?  Are

2. from/Paris/you/are?
Are you from Paris?
3. are/you/London/from?

Are you from London?
Moscow/from/ you/are?
Are you from Moscow?
you/ Boston/ are/from?
Are you from Boston?

Слайд 14 Сегодня на уроке!
Если тебе понравился урок и ты

Сегодня на уроке!Если тебе понравился урок и ты успешно справился со

успешно справился со всеми заданиями, раскрась твой SHIP (GREEN)!

тебе на уроке было трудно, но ты смог правильно ответить, раскрась твой SHIP (BLUE)!
Если тебе трудно было справиться с заданиями и тебе нужна помощь учителя, раскрась твой SHIP ( RED)!

Слайд 17 Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитай текст

Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитай текст и ответь

и ответь на вопросы.
Pedro and Mario are

not from London. Pedro is from Madrid. Mario is from Rome. Pedro is big. He is a student. He is a good student. Mario is little. He is not a pupil. Little Mario is cute.

1. Is Pedro from Madrid? 2. Is Mario from London?
3. Are they pupils? 4. Are they from Paris?
5. Is little Mario cute? 6. Is Pedro big?

Слайд 18 Послушайте аудиозапись и повторите за диктором 190
Are you

Послушайте аудиозапись и повторите за диктором 190Are you from London, Sue?

from London, Sue? – Yes, I am.
Are you from

Rome, Pedro? – No, I am not.
Are you from Moscow, Boris and Pete? – Yes, we are.
Are from Minsk, Natasha and Olga? – No, we are not.
Are you happy, Max? – Yes, I am.
Are you sad, Don? – No, I am not.
Are you happy, Jane and Ann? – Yes, we are.
Are you sad, Kate and Lizzy? – No, we are not.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-where-are-you-fom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 143
  • Количество скачиваний: 0