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Презентация на тему Работа ученицы Маркиной Елены My favorite book

Цель проекта: Рассказать о любимой книгеЗадачи проекта:Образовательные: обобщение лексического материала по теме «Мир моих увлечений», «Чтение книг»;обобщение грамматического и лексического материала по теме;развитие речевых умений говорения, чтения и письма по теме «Мир моих увлечений», «Чтение книг»;Развивающие:развитие
My favorite bookMade by the pupil of the 8 «а» form Diveyevskaya Цель проекта: Рассказать о любимой книгеЗадачи проекта:Образовательные: обобщение лексического материала по теме My favorite book Author: A.A. FadeevTitle: «The youngGuards»Genre: a novel My favorite bookThe novel of A. A. Fadeev «The youngGuads» was edited My favorite book From the first pages the author tells the readers Main characters of the bookThe main characters of the book are boys Heroic deeds of the «young guardsmen»The young guardsmen offeredleaflets, freed soviet war Heroic deeds of the «young guardsmen» The arrest of the undergroundThe police arrested the members of theunderground organization The arrest of the underground Execution of the young guardsmenBut during the cruel tortures all young people Why is the book worth reading ?The novel fascinated me with the Favorite episodesUlyana Gromova made a work against recruiting and driving away of ConclusionThe novel «The young Guards» told us about difficult, but heroic events « They went away into immortality, remaining eternally young…» Thanks for attention!
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Слайд 2 Цель проекта: Рассказать о любимой книге
Задачи проекта:

Цель проекта: Рассказать о любимой книгеЗадачи проекта:Образовательные: обобщение лексического материала по

лексического материала по теме «Мир моих увлечений», «Чтение книг»;

грамматического и лексического материала по теме;
развитие речевых умений говорения, чтения и письма по теме «Мир моих увлечений», «Чтение книг»;
развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Мир моих увлечений», «Чтение книг»;
развитие познавательного интереса, памяти, внимания и мышления;
развитие кругозора обучающихся; развивать национальное самосознание;
привитие интереса к чтению книг;
воспитание гражданина, патриота своей страны, чувства гордости за молодое поколение военных лет, воспитание умения работать в коллективе, умение слушать своих одноклассников;
Продукт проекта: серия иллюстраций книги

Слайд 3 My favorite book

Author: A.A. Fadeev
Title: «The young

My favorite book Author: A.A. FadeevTitle: «The youngGuards»Genre: a novel

a novel

Слайд 4 My favorite book
The novel of A. A. Fadeev

My favorite bookThe novel of A. A. Fadeev «The youngGuads» was

«The young
Guads» was edited in1945, in the days of

fight of our folk with fashists occupants.
I think, the modern youth should
obligatory read this book, to learn and
understand for themselves some things. The
novel has great educational force.

Слайд 5 My favorite book
From the first pages the

My favorite book From the first pages the author tells the

author tells the readers about heroic main characters of

book – about young komsomol members. This novel is about young people, who
defended their land with the price of their lives from fashists. It is the novel about
unhuman suffers which these young people young guardsmen – endured.
The action is set in the first years of the great Patriotic War, when Hitler Germany
occupied practically the hole little miner town Krasnodon. The group of young boys
and girls – komsomol members – formed a legendary underground organization
«The Young Guards». The founders of the group were Victor Tretiyakevich and
Sergey Tyulenin. The names of Oleg Koshevoi, Ulyana Gromova, Lyubov
Shevtsova are famous too… The life of those young people didn’t differ from the
life of other young people very much. In their spare time they fell in love, helped
their parents, were nice with other members of their families, came together and had
a very good time. Of course, they dreamed – about many things, and about a happy
future life after the ending of the war. This happy future came. But many of these
boys and girls didn’t see themselves in this life, because they weren’t alive in those

Слайд 6 Main characters of the book
The main characters of

Main characters of the bookThe main characters of the book are

the book are boys and girls, who united for

the fight with German fashists. They are Uliyana Gromova, Oleg Koshevoi, Vanya Zemnukhov, Zhora Arutynyants, Sergey Tyulenin, Lyubov Shevtsova and many others. They formed the youth organization «The young Guards».

Слайд 7 Heroic deeds of the «young guardsmen»
The young guardsmen

Heroic deeds of the «young guardsmen»The young guardsmen offeredleaflets, freed soviet

leaflets, freed soviet war prisoners,
collected weapons for Russian
soldiers. Three

fighting groups of
«The Young Guards» acted on the
ways of the district. One group with
Victor Petrov as a head attacked
motor cars with German officers, the
other group with Zhenya Moshrov as
a head destroyed cars cisterns, and
Sergey Tyulenin and his group acted

Слайд 8 Heroic deeds of the «young guardsmen»

Heroic deeds of the «young guardsmen»

Слайд 9 The arrest of the underground
The police arrested the

The arrest of the undergroundThe police arrested the members of theunderground

members of the
underground organization «The young
Guard» after one unsuccessful

action 30
December 1942. At first they took
Moshkov, Zemnukhov and Stakhanovich.
The other boys and girls got an order to
hide properly. But when Stakhanovich
was tortured, he gave evidence. As a
result, the group of adult members of the
underground organization with Lyutikov
as a head of it and the members of «The
Young guard» got into the hands of

Слайд 10 The arrest of the underground

The arrest of the underground

Слайд 11 Execution of the young guardsmen
But during the cruel

Execution of the young guardsmenBut during the cruel tortures all young

tortures all young people didn’t say a word. All

arrested underground actors were executed and thrown down into the mine.

All young guardsmen were cruelly beaten and tortured. On the back of Ulya Gromova fashists cutted a star.

Слайд 12 Why is the book worth reading ?
The novel

Why is the book worth reading ?The novel fascinated me with

fascinated me with the fact, that its main characters

are young people of
the age from 14 to 19 years, who didn’t fear to join a cruel fight with fashists, didn’t
let down their friends durning brutal tortures. The plot of the novel is very exiting
and fascinating, because Fadeev’s young guardsmen were true to their youth by
cruel and difficult circumstances. They prepared themselves for the peaceful work –
those boys and girls, but the fate prepared for them a trial by the war, and they went
through difficulties and showed the whole world how one must love Motherland!
This book is a valuable document of our history and a testament for descendents.
We have our role models and know, how to build our life.

Слайд 13 Favorite episodes
Ulyana Gromova made a work against recruiting

Favorite episodesUlyana Gromova made a work against recruiting and driving away

and driving away of the youth. She wrote and

offered leaflet, helped with the work those young people, who could be recruited; sometimes Ulya hid the young people in the farm – steeds.
She as many other young guardsmen didn’t tell her relatives about her belonging to, «The Young Guards». Her parents lost their strong influence on the girl, and the father was very shy with Ulya and kept silence in her presence.
Ulya had very beautiful big black eyes edged with long eyelashes; long , curly, heavy plaits went along to her waist. This beautiful graceful girl owned a strong character and peace of mind. She was honestly, steadfast, he never hid from danger.

Слайд 14 Conclusion
The novel «The young Guards» told us about

ConclusionThe novel «The young Guards» told us about difficult, but heroic

difficult, but heroic events of the
war years, about this

time we know only from the school text books or the
stories, told by old people. We could see those events with our own eyes, could
feel all pain, which young people had to feel and try. People of our country
remember, respect and love these heroes nowadays too. They show us an
example of bravery and courage.

Слайд 15 « They went away into immortality, remaining eternally

« They went away into immortality, remaining eternally young…»


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