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Презентация на тему к уроку в 9 классе

What's your problem when reading English texts? Do you like reading?Have you ever read English books?Do you know about reading strategy for exam?
The strategy of reading What's your problem when reading English texts? Do you like reading?Have you In order to reach the aim we should solve some problems:Let’s name The problems of the lesson:1) learn the advice 3 )practice reading text2)find Основные алгоритмы при выполнении заданий по «Чтению» Reflection  What did we talk about this lesson?What task was the Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What's your problem when reading English texts?
Do you

What's your problem when reading English texts? Do you like reading?Have

like reading?

Have you ever read English books?

Do you know

about reading strategy for exam?

Слайд 4 In order to reach the aim we should

In order to reach the aim we should solve some problems:Let’s

solve some problems:
Let’s name the aim of the lesson

aim of the lesson is …

Let’s name the problems of the lesson

Слайд 5 The problems of the lesson:
1) learn the advice

The problems of the lesson:1) learn the advice 3 )practice reading

3 )practice reading text
2)find out the information from text

4)tell about reading strategy

Слайд 6 Основные алгоритмы при выполнении заданий по «Чтению»

Основные алгоритмы при выполнении заданий по «Чтению»

Слайд 7 Reflection
What did we talk about this lesson?


Reflection What did we talk about this lesson?What task was the

task was the most difficult?

What did you like


Did you understand the strategy of reading?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-v-9-klasse.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0