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Презентация на тему проекта на английском языке PLACE WHERE WE LIVE

We live in Roshchino. Our village is not big but nice and modern.
A project  «A place where  we live» We live in Roshchino. Our village is not big It is situated far from Moscow in the Far Our village is famous for its The streets are not very wide, In spring and summer there’re There is a village club, a school, We have two supermarkets, three cafes and many Next to the club your can We’ve got a famous museum of minerals in Roshchino. You can see very interesting collections of stones there. In fact, we love our village. We think East or west  Roshchino  is best! We used:  http://ok.ru/group/51672475304166  http://ud-legend.ru/park/museum
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 We live in Roshchino. Our village is not big

We live in Roshchino. Our village is not big

but nice and modern.

Слайд 3 It is situated far from Moscow

It is situated far from Moscow in the Far

in the Far East of Russia between Khabarovsk and



Слайд 4 Our village is famous for its

Our village is famous for its

beautiful nature. There is a forest and a river Bolshaia Yssurka. One bridge is over the river.

Слайд 5 The streets are not very wide,

The streets are not very wide,


they are green.

Слайд 6 In spring and summer there’re

In spring and summer there’re


lot of flowers near the houses.

Слайд 7
There is a village club,

There is a village club, a school, a bank,a

a school, a bank,a post-office and a hospital

in the center.

Слайд 8
We have two supermarkets, three

We have two supermarkets, three cafes and many shops

cafes and many shops in my place where I


Слайд 9

Next to the

Next to the club your can see

club your can see a monument of

died soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.

Слайд 10
We’ve got a famous museum

We’ve got a famous museum of minerals in Roshchino.

of minerals in Roshchino.

Слайд 11
You can see
very interesting

You can see very interesting collections of stones there.

of stones there.

Слайд 12 In fact, we love our

In fact, we love our village. We think Roshchino

village. We think Roshchino is very beautiful and we’re proud

of it.

Слайд 13 East or west Roshchino is best!

East or west Roshchino is best!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-proekta-na-angliyskom-yazyke-place-where-we-live.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 187
  • Количество скачиваний: 0