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Презентация на тему Достижения, которые изменили мир

IntroductionThe invention of the digital computer transformed our civilization during the past 60 years and had profound social, economic and scientific effects. Still humans are just beginning to use the potential of computers. Our future progress
THE INVENTIONS THAT CHANGED THE WORLDSimferopol College of National University of the Food Technologies IntroductionThe invention of the digital computer transformed our civilization during the past Computer History: Earliest computing machinesImage 1 – Traditional abacus.Image 2 – The Computer History: Earliest computing machinesImage 3 – The slide rule.The Slide Rule Computer History: Earliest computing machinesImage 4 – “Pascaline”.Pascal's Calculator or Computer History: Punched card technologyImage 5 – punched card.A punched card (punch Computer History: Punched card technologyImage 6 – Analytical machines.The Analytical Engine was Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 7 – An artistic representation of Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 8 – Konrad Zuse and his Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 9 – ENIAC.ENIAC was the first Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 10 – SSEM “Baby”.The Manchester Small-Scale Computer History: First-generation computersImage 11 – EDSAC.First-generation computers (1937-1955) - is computers Computer History: Second-generation computersImage 13 – IBM 1401.Second-generation computers (1954-1962) - is Computer History: Third-generation computersImage 15 – IBM System/360 Model 30.3rd generation of Computer History: Fourth-generation computersImage 17 – Scelbi microcomputer.4th generation of computers, based “The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
The invention of the digital computer transformed our

IntroductionThe invention of the digital computer transformed our civilization during the

civilization during the past 60 years and had profound

social, economic and scientific effects. Still humans are just beginning to use the potential of computers. Our future progress will strongly depend on the development of computing technologies, it is important to clearly see the their possibilities.
The development of computing technologies depends primarily on the general technological level, available production methods and the market demand for computing.

Слайд 3 Computer History: Earliest computing machines
Image 1 – Traditional

Computer History: Earliest computing machinesImage 1 – Traditional abacus.Image 2 –

Image 2 – The Suan Pan - Chinese abacus.

The Abacus - is a calculating tool used primarily for performing arithmetic processes. Abacus is a beginning of development of computer technologies .

Слайд 4 Computer History: Earliest computing machines
Image 3 – The

Computer History: Earliest computing machinesImage 3 – The slide rule.The Slide

slide rule.
The Slide Rule - is a mechanical analog

computer. The slide rule is used primarily for multiplication and division, and also for functions such as roots, logarithms and trigonometry.

Слайд 5 Computer History: Earliest computing machines
Image 4 – “Pascaline”.

Computer History: Earliest computing machinesImage 4 – “Pascaline”.Pascal's Calculator or

Calculator or "Pascaline". This calculating machine could add and

subtract two numbers directly and multiply and divide by repetition.

Слайд 6 Computer History: Punched card technology
Image 5 – punched

Computer History: Punched card technologyImage 5 – punched card.A punched card

A punched card (punch card, IBM card, or Hollerith

card) is a piece of stiff paper that contains digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions.

Слайд 7 Computer History: Punched card technology
Image 6 – Analytical

Computer History: Punched card technologyImage 6 – Analytical machines.The Analytical Engine

The Analytical Engine was a proposed mechanical general-purpose computer

designed by English mathematician Charles Babbage.

Слайд 8 Computer History: Early electronic digital computation
Image 7 –

Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 7 – An artistic representation

An artistic representation of a Turing machine.
A Turing machine

is a hypothetical device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite its simplicity, a Turing machine can be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm, and is particularly useful in explaining the functions of a CPU inside a computer.

Слайд 9 Computer History: Early electronic digital computation
Image 8 –

Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 8 – Konrad Zuse and

Konrad Zuse and his Z3.
The Z3 was an electromechanical

computer designed by Konrad Zuse. It was the world's first working programmable, fully automatic digital computer.

Слайд 10 Computer History: Early electronic digital computation
Image 9 –

Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 9 – ENIAC.ENIAC was the

ENIAC was the first electronic general-purpose computer. He was

designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.

Слайд 11 Computer History: Early electronic digital computation
Image 10 –

Computer History: Early electronic digital computationImage 10 – SSEM “Baby”.The Manchester

SSEM “Baby”.
The Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), nicknamed Baby,

was the world's first stored-program computer. He ran its first program on 21 June 1948.

Слайд 12 Computer History: First-generation computers
Image 11 – EDSAC.
First-generation computers

Computer History: First-generation computersImage 11 – EDSAC.First-generation computers (1937-1955) - is

(1937-1955) - is computers that used vacuum tubes as

switching elements.

Image 12 – EDVAC.

Слайд 13 Computer History: Second-generation computers
Image 13 – IBM 1401.

Computer History: Second-generation computersImage 13 – IBM 1401.Second-generation computers (1954-1962) -

computers (1954-1962) - is computers that used transistors. Transistor

was invented in 1947. By 1965 second-generation computers were used by many large companies.

Image 14 – IBM 7030 Stretch.

Слайд 14 Computer History: Third-generation computers
Image 15 – IBM System/360

Computer History: Third-generation computersImage 15 – IBM System/360 Model 30.3rd generation

Model 30.
3rd generation of computers (1964-1973) was based on

the integrated circuit (computer chip), developed in 1958. First computers of the new generation became available in 1965.

Image 16 – IBM System/360 Model 65.

Слайд 15 Computer History: Fourth-generation computers
Image 17 – Scelbi microcomputer.

Computer History: Fourth-generation computersImage 17 – Scelbi microcomputer.4th generation of computers,

generation of computers, based on a microprocessor, appeared in

1972, just one year after the first microprocessor was created.

Image 18 – Mark-8.

  • Имя файла: dostizheniya-kotorye-izmenili-mir.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 121
  • Количество скачиваний: 0