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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка к учебникуSpotlight, моя квартира

What Room is it? What is there in the Room?
What Room is it? What is there in the Room? What Room is it? What is there in the Room? What Room is it? What is there in the Room? What Room is it? What is there in the Room? What Room is it? What is there in the Room? Where is the Ball? Where is the Sofa? Where are the Books? My Bedroom   My bedroom is wonderful. It’s very big and My Bedroom   My name is Ann and I’m twelve years My Living Room   My living room is big and light.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What Room is it? What is there in

What Room is it? What is there in the Room?

the Room?

Слайд 3 What Room is it? What is there in

What Room is it? What is there in the Room?

the Room?

Слайд 4 What Room is it? What is there in

What Room is it? What is there in the Room?

the Room?

Слайд 5 What Room is it? What is there in

What Room is it? What is there in the Room?

the Room?

Слайд 6 Where is the Ball?

Where is the Ball?

Слайд 7 Where is the Sofa? Where are the Books?

Where is the Sofa? Where are the Books?

Слайд 8 My Bedroom
My bedroom is wonderful.

My Bedroom  My bedroom is wonderful. It’s very big and

It’s very big and there is a lot of

furniture in it. Everything is pink in my room and I call it the pink room. I’ve got a small bed, a desk, a sofa, a wardrobe and a bookcase in it. My desk is next to the window. There is a big poster behind my bed. There is a mirror on the wall and nice cushions o the bed. There is a lamp on the wall
between the windows. I like my
room very much.

Слайд 9 My Bedroom
My name is Ann

My Bedroom  My name is Ann and I’m twelve years

and I’m twelve years old. My favourite room is

my bedroom. I’ve got lots of things in my room: a bed, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got posters on the wall and a big mirror in front of my bed. My walls are light orange. My desk
is next to the window and I do my
Homework on the computer. My dog
Likes to sleep under my bed. I really
Like my room!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-k-uchebnikuspotlight-moya-kvartira.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 143
  • Количество скачиваний: 0