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Презентация на тему к открытому уроку английского языка по теме Big Ben

We are going tolearn new wordsread the text about Big Benask and answer questionstalk about Big Ben
Big Ben We are going tolearn new wordsread the text about Big Benask and landmark [ ’ lændma:rk] – достопримечательностьbell [bel] – belfry [’ belfrɪ] -clock Now listen to the song and answer the following question.What exactly is Let’s check up!Big Ben is in  London .Big Ben is the WHAT TIME IS IT? WHAT TIME IS IT? We learnt  new wordsWe read the text about Big BenWe asked and answeredquestions Now I know what exactly Big Ben isNow I cantalk about Big Ben Put the sentences in the right order. R Millions of tourists come I know … I can …
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 We are going to
learn new words
read the text

We are going tolearn new wordsread the text about Big Benask

about Big Ben
ask and answer questions
talk about Big Ben

Слайд 3
landmark [ ’ lændma:rk] – достопримечательность
bell [bel] –

landmark [ ’ lændma:rk] – достопримечательностьbell [bel] – belfry [’ belfrɪ]

belfry [’ belfrɪ] -
clock face [’ klɔk ’ feɪs

] -
short or hour hand
[’ ʃɔrt ɔr aʊə hænd] –
long or minute hand [lɒŋ ɔr ’mɪnɪt hænd] – минутная стрелка

Слайд 4 Now listen to the song and answer the

Now listen to the song and answer the following question.What exactly

following question.

What exactly is Big Ben?
Big Ben is a


Слайд 5 Let’s check up!
Big Ben is in London

Let’s check up!Big Ben is in London .Big Ben is the

Big Ben is the name of commissioner of works,

Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben.
The tower is 98 metres high.
The bell inside the tower is 14 tons .
Each hour hand is 3 metres long.


WHAT TIME IS IT?      1) It's 

1) It's  twelve


2) It's five past seven.

3) It's half past four.


WHAT TIME IS IT?       4)


It's ten to six.

5) It's eight o'clock.

6) It's quarter to six.

Слайд 8

We learnt
new words
We read
the text

We learnt new wordsWe read the text about Big BenWe asked and answeredquestions

about Big Ben
We asked and answered

Слайд 9 Now I know
what exactly Big Ben is

Now I

Now I know what exactly Big Ben isNow I cantalk about Big Ben

talk about Big Ben

Слайд 10 Put the sentences in the right order.
R Millions

Put the sentences in the right order. R Millions of tourists

of tourists come to London to see and listen

Big Ben.
I Big Ben is not the clock tower.
G It is one of the four huge bells inside the tower.
H Big Ben’s name comes from the bell commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben.
T The tower is 98 metres high.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-otkrytomu-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-big-ben.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0