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Презентация на тему Презентации из цикла уроков элективного курса Business English (Unit 5 At the meeting)

Plan of the lesson:Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words.Getting acquainted with the ways of preparing agenda.Doing exercises.Role-play activities.
Preparing  Agenda Plan of the lesson:Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new words.Getting Words of the lesson:Agenda- список вопросов, которые будут Day/ date   _____________________________________Time:      _____________________________________Distribution: _____________________________________ LanguageBeginning: First (ly)…    Later stages:    Second 3. Look at these agendas for meetings. As the chair son it It’s the time for the role-play activity. Work in groups. Here agenda Home task:Prepare agenda and organize office meeting.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan of the lesson:
Phonetic drill and getting acquainted

Plan of the lesson:Phonetic drill and getting acquainted with the new

with the new words.
Getting acquainted with the ways of

preparing agenda.
Doing exercises.
Role-play activities.

Слайд 3 Words of the lesson:
Agenda- список вопросов, которые будут

Words of the lesson:Agenda- список вопросов, которые будут


на собрании.
Available- свободный
Forthcoming- что произойдёт в ближайшее время
To attend- присутствовать
Distribution list- список людей, которым следует получить документы
Review- осмотрительное решение
Market research- сбор информации о рынке
Investment- трата денег на новое оборудование
AOB- аббревиатура ( разное)

Слайд 4 Day/ date _____________________________________

Day/ date  _____________________________________Time:   _____________________________________Distribution: _____________________________________

Distribution: _____________________________________


Слайд 5 Language

Beginning: First (ly)… Later stages:

LanguageBeginning: First (ly)…  Later stages:  Second (ly)…

Second (ly)…

To start with… Third (ly)…
Initial ( ly)… Then…

Ending: Final ( ly)…
Last (ly)…
The last thing is …
The just leaves…

Слайд 6 3. Look at these agendas for meetings. As

3. Look at these agendas for meetings. As the chair son

the chair son it is your job to introduce

the points of the age Tell your staff about the agendas.
1) Minutes of last meeting.
2) Marketing reports: France and Germany.
3) Marketing reports: Spain and Italy.
4) Programme for next year.
5) Date of next meeting
1) Changes in work schedules.
2) "No smoking" arrangements.
3) Holiday arrangements.
4) Next year's pay rise.
5) Arrangements for sick leave.
6) General discussion.

Слайд 7 It’s the time for the role-play activity. Work

It’s the time for the role-play activity. Work in groups. Here

in groups. Here agenda for a meeting you are

going to hold.


1) Frequenсу of use of English in your office.
2) Tasks/activities for which English is used.
3)Problems of English use.
4)Suggested solutions.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsii-iz-tsikla-urokov-elektivnogo-kursa-business-english-unit-5-at-the-meeting.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 143
  • Количество скачиваний: 0