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Презентация на тему ТЕСТ по теме Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses

She usually ___ (to take) a shower in the evening.takestaketaking
Present Simple and Present Continuous TEST She usually ___ (to take) a shower in the evening.takestaketaking We ______ (to learn) about nature now.learnsis learnare learning Mary often ______ (to speak) English.speaksis speakingspeaking Jim ___ (not to wash) the dishes after dinner.don’t washdoesn’t washesdoesn’t wash Look! Your brother ______ (not to sleep)!aren’t sleeparen’t sleepingisn’t sleeping She always ___ (to have) a cup of tea for breakfast.havinghashave ______ the pupils ______ (to write) dictation now?Are / writeDo / writeare / writing What ______ the girls ______ (to draw) now?Do / drawIs / drawingAre / drawing My dad usually ___ (to lay) the table in the morning.layIs layinglays I ______ (to ride) a bike now, but my friend ______ (not Present Simple Present continuous FINISH!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 She usually ___ (to take) a shower in

She usually ___ (to take) a shower in the evening.takestaketaking

the evening.

Слайд 3 We ______ (to learn) about nature now.
is learn

We ______ (to learn) about nature now.learnsis learnare learning


Слайд 4 Mary often ______ (to speak) English.
is speaking

Mary often ______ (to speak) English.speaksis speakingspeaking

Слайд 5 Jim ___ (not to wash) the dishes after

Jim ___ (not to wash) the dishes after dinner.don’t washdoesn’t washesdoesn’t wash

don’t wash
doesn’t washes
doesn’t wash

Слайд 6 Look! Your brother ______ (not to sleep)!
aren’t sleep

Look! Your brother ______ (not to sleep)!aren’t sleeparen’t sleepingisn’t sleeping

isn’t sleeping

Слайд 7 She always ___ (to have) a cup of

She always ___ (to have) a cup of tea for breakfast.havinghashave

tea for breakfast.

Слайд 8 ______ the pupils ______ (to write) dictation now?

______ the pupils ______ (to write) dictation now?Are / writeDo / writeare / writing

/ write
Do / write
are / writing

Слайд 9 What ______ the girls ______ (to draw) now?

What ______ the girls ______ (to draw) now?Do / drawIs / drawingAre / drawing

/ draw
Is / drawing
Are / drawing

Слайд 10 My dad usually ___ (to lay) the table

My dad usually ___ (to lay) the table in the morning.layIs layinglays

in the morning.
Is laying

Слайд 11 I ______ (to ride) a bike now, but

I ______ (to ride) a bike now, but my friend ______

my friend ______ (not to ride) a bike, he

______ (to rollerblade).

rides/ don’t ride/ rollerblades

is riding/ isn’t riding/ is rollerblading

am riding/ isn’t riding/ is rollerblading

Слайд 12 Present Simple

Present Simple

Слайд 13 Present continuous

Present continuous

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-test-po-teme-present-simple-and-present-continuous-tenses.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 209
  • Количество скачиваний: 2