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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Самый умный 5-6 класс


The smartest pupil 1213523451234541234512345 Вопрос на 1 балл.What is the official name of the Great Britain?The Вопрос на 2 балла.What is the largest island of the British Isles?Great Britain Вопрос на 3 балла.On what continent are the British Isles situated? Europe Вопрос на 4 баллаName of the sea between the island Great Britain and Ireland?The Irish Sea Вопрос на 5 баллов.How many people live in the Great Britain?Nearly 60 million people Вопрос на 1 балл.This game is from Britain.football Вопрос на 2 балла.What colour are taxis in the UK?yellow Вопрос на 3 балла.What is the traditional British dish?Pudding, porridge Вопрос на 4 балла.Where do men wears kilts?In Scotland Вопрос на 5 баллов.Wich adress is correct in Britain?Ann Jones Вопрос на 1 балл.What do people say on Birthday? Congratulations! Вопрос на 2 балла.What holiday do English people celebrate on the 14-th of February?St. Valentine’s Day Вопрос на 3 балла.When do English people celebrate Cristmas?On the 25-th of December Вопрос на 4 балла.This holiday people celebrate in the fourth Thursday of November.Thanksgiving Day Вопрос на 5 баллов.Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the….5-th of November Вопрос на 1 балл.What is Big Ben?A clock Вопрос на 2 балла.What is the Tower of London now?A museum . Вопрос на 3 балла.What is the name of the Palace where the Queen lives?The Buckingham Palace Вопрос на 4 балла.What is Westminster Abbey?The church Вопрос на 5 баллов.What was Nelson famous for?He defeated the FrenchAt the Battle of Trafalgar Вопрос на 1 балл.Who is the head of state in GB?Elizabeth II Вопрос на 2 балла.What museum had Madam Tussaud?Wax figures Вопрос на 3 балла.What did Agatha Christie write?Detectivestories Вопрос на 4 балла.What is the name of the popular Scottish poet?Robert Burns Вопрос на 5 баллов.Where was the great Shakespeare born? In Stratford-on-Avon Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1


Слайд 3 Вопрос на 1 балл.
What is the official name

Вопрос на 1 балл.What is the official name of the Great

of the Great Britain?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland

Слайд 4 Вопрос на 2 балла.
What is the largest island

Вопрос на 2 балла.What is the largest island of the British Isles?Great Britain

of the British Isles?
Great Britain

Слайд 5 Вопрос на 3 балла.

On what continent are the

Вопрос на 3 балла.On what continent are the British Isles situated? Europe

British Isles situated?


Слайд 6 Вопрос на 4 балла
Name of the sea between

Вопрос на 4 баллаName of the sea between the island Great Britain and Ireland?The Irish Sea

the island Great Britain and Ireland?
The Irish Sea

Слайд 7 Вопрос на 5 баллов.
How many people live in

Вопрос на 5 баллов.How many people live in the Great Britain?Nearly 60 million people

the Great Britain?
Nearly 60 million people

Слайд 8 Вопрос на 1 балл.

This game is from Britain.

Вопрос на 1 балл.This game is from Britain.football

Слайд 9 Вопрос на 2 балла.
What colour are taxis in

Вопрос на 2 балла.What colour are taxis in the UK?yellow

the UK?

Слайд 10 Вопрос на 3 балла.

What is the traditional British

Вопрос на 3 балла.What is the traditional British dish?Pudding, porridge

Pudding, porridge

Слайд 11 Вопрос на 4 балла.
Where do men wears kilts?

Вопрос на 4 балла.Where do men wears kilts?In Scotland


Слайд 12 Вопрос на 5 баллов.
Wich adress is correct in

Вопрос на 5 баллов.Wich adress is correct in Britain?Ann Jones

Ann Jones

b) UK
9 Trafalgar Street London SW 74 NA
London SW 74 NA Trafalgar Street 9
UK Ann Jones

Слайд 13 Вопрос на 1 балл.
What do people say on

Вопрос на 1 балл.What do people say on Birthday? Congratulations!


Слайд 14 Вопрос на 2 балла.
What holiday do English people

Вопрос на 2 балла.What holiday do English people celebrate on the 14-th of February?St. Valentine’s Day

celebrate on the 14-th of February?
St. Valentine’s Day

Слайд 15 Вопрос на 3 балла.
When do English people celebrate

Вопрос на 3 балла.When do English people celebrate Cristmas?On the 25-th of December


On the 25-th of December

Слайд 16 Вопрос на 4 балла.
This holiday people celebrate in

Вопрос на 4 балла.This holiday people celebrate in the fourth Thursday of November.Thanksgiving Day

the fourth Thursday of November.
Thanksgiving Day

Слайд 17 Вопрос на 5 баллов.
Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated

Вопрос на 5 баллов.Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the….5-th of November

on the….

5-th of November

Слайд 18 Вопрос на 1 балл.
What is Big Ben?

A clock

Вопрос на 1 балл.What is Big Ben?A clock

Слайд 19 Вопрос на 2 балла.
What is the Tower of

Вопрос на 2 балла.What is the Tower of London now?A museum .

London now?
A museum .

Слайд 20 Вопрос на 3 балла.
What is the name of

Вопрос на 3 балла.What is the name of the Palace where the Queen lives?The Buckingham Palace

the Palace where the Queen lives?

The Buckingham

Слайд 21 Вопрос на 4 балла.
What is Westminster Abbey?
The church

Вопрос на 4 балла.What is Westminster Abbey?The church

Слайд 22 Вопрос на 5 баллов.
What was Nelson famous for?


Вопрос на 5 баллов.What was Nelson famous for?He defeated the FrenchAt the Battle of Trafalgar

defeated the French
At the Battle of Trafalgar

Слайд 23 Вопрос на 1 балл.
Who is the head of

Вопрос на 1 балл.Who is the head of state in GB?Elizabeth II

state in GB?
Elizabeth II

Слайд 24 Вопрос на 2 балла.
What museum had Madam Tussaud?


Вопрос на 2 балла.What museum had Madam Tussaud?Wax figures


Слайд 25 Вопрос на 3 балла.
What did Agatha Christie write?


Вопрос на 3 балла.What did Agatha Christie write?Detectivestories

Слайд 26 Вопрос на 4 балла.

What is the name of

Вопрос на 4 балла.What is the name of the popular Scottish poet?Robert Burns

the popular Scottish poet?

Robert Burns

Слайд 27 Вопрос на 5 баллов.
Where was the great Shakespeare

Вопрос на 5 баллов.Where was the great Shakespeare born? In Stratford-on-Avon


In Stratford-on-Avon

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-samyy-umnyy-5-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0