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Презентация на тему к урокам английского языка в старших классах

[æ] Sandy If you, Sandy, have two candies Andy Give your candy to Andy, Sandy. candy If you, Andy, have two candies have Give your candy to Sandy, Andy.
Фонетическая зарядка на уроках английского языка  Насибова Наталья Валерьевна, учитель английского [æ] Sandy  If you, Sandy, have two candies Andy [ е ] egg  bed men red says pen beg head met [ i: ] least eat deal beach field people leave sheep seat [ I ] pit hid sit lit this tin Bill still twist [ Λ ] mother brother son Russian must disjunctive study [ a: ] car pass garden father basket carpet at last part [ u ] room book good look put cooker sugar full [ u: ] new shoe school music do student group [ o ] Tom dog watch what  John pocket box [ o: ] ball call draw small sport daughter porter of course [ ou ] coat home no radio piano only hope [ oi ] boy Roy joy toy voice noise choice oil soil [ ə: ] girl bird work learn nurse first worth fur [ ŋ ] young tongue  among long song wrong ring [ au ] house brown how down now shout about [ ai ] write kind nice why cry my buy [ θ ] three think thank you everything  third [ ð ] this that then there they with them [ w ] why wife what when where white window [ r ] room to rent a room write red read rugby [ t ] bit fit put eat let can’t stopped
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 [æ] Sandy If you, Sandy, have two candies Andy

[æ] Sandy If you, Sandy, have two candies Andy  Give

Give your candy to Andy, Sandy. candy

If you, Andy, have two candies have Give your candy to Sandy, Andy. Lad Once there lived a lad Sad Who was always very sad Dad For he hadn’t any mother Hadn’t And he hadn’t any dad. Act. Apple. Abbey. Abstract. Absence. Beastly appetite. Silly ass. Lively action. The atmosphere. The adverb. The attitude.

Слайд 3 [ е ] egg  bed men red says pen

[ е ] egg  bed men red says pen beg head

beg head met pet guess better ready Well said. Press

bell. Get better. Very well, then. Well, I never. He’s telling me he isn’t ready yet. – I can’t come before Wednesday. - Before when? – You met him on the tenth of September. - You met him when? – I shall never help him again. - Never is a very dangerous word to say.

Слайд 4 [ i: ] least eat deal beach field people

[ i: ] least eat deal beach field people leave sheep

leave sheep seat feel need easy meeting Sea captain. Knee-deep.

Sea coast. Three each. No equals. Go east. Please. The evening. The eagles. The east. Appeal. Indeed. Reading. Creature. Pleased to meet you. Please, be seated. Extremes meet. Eating between meals? Steve is eager to please the teacher. The teacher has every reason to be displeased. He speaks Chinese and Japanese with equal ease.

Слайд 5 [ I ] pit hid sit lit this tin

[ I ] pit hid sit lit this tin Bill still

Bill still twist will big miss list silly little

sister The industry. The interview. The issue. Infinitive. Impossibility. Initiative. Institute. Is Mickey in? It isn’t cricket. It’s the limit. Willie’s quick-witted. It isn’t his business, is it? It is written in simple English, isn’t it? - The digging’s finished. - Is it? All of it? - Whose responsibility is it? - Whose responsibility? Why, Bill’s. – How many children has Jill? - How many? Six, I think.

Слайд 6 [ Λ ] mother brother son Russian must disjunctive

[ Λ ] mother brother son Russian must disjunctive study

study London lucky young something lunch doesn’t hurry

hungry sun Shutter. Summit. Submarine. Mummy. Sonny. Hurry. Southern. Come. Some. None. Done. Tongue. Wealthy uncle. Cruelly unjust. Tough luck. Just my luck. Double Dutch. Come to lunch, Bunny! Does the bus run every other Monday? None but dullards copy one another. Don’t touch this money till next month. There wasn’t much sunshine in London last Monday.

Слайд 7 [ a: ] car pass garden father basket carpet

[ a: ] car pass garden father basket carpet at last

at last part glass darling yard large harm aunt -

Pass me that card, Bart. - Which card? – I asked Arthur yesterday. - And what was his answer? Hard bargain! Start the car. I hardly like the remark, Papa. Cars can’t be parked here after dark. Shan’t we dance after classes? The exam will be rather hard to pass. I can’t stay after classes

Слайд 8 [ u ] room book good look put cooker

[ u ] room book good look put cooker sugar

sugar full pull woman Look at this good

cookery-book. Too good to be true. It looks good. Could you if you would? Here’s your cook-book. Keep a good look-out. It wouldn’t look good, would it? Would you help the woman if you could? I can’t help looking, could I? Would you wait till I’ve had time to look for it? You’d better put on your woollen pullover.

Слайд 9 [ u: ] new shoe school music do student

[ u: ] new shoe school music do student group

group moon noon who whose you pupil youth route

suit shoot too – This is Mr. Doolittle. – How do you do? – What would you do? - It’s up to you. You must make up your own mind. – It’s absolutely true. - But who’s going to believe it? – I arrived on Tuesday afternoon. - At exactly what time in the afternoon? – Which would you choose if you were me? - The new one, of course.

Слайд 10 [ o ] Tom dog watch what John

[ o ] Tom dog watch what John pocket box

pocket box doctor Molly got a lot of spots

on her frock. What’s wrong? What’s the problem? What’s going on? Not for toffees! Possibly not. Upon my honour. What a lot of nonsense! Will you be gone long, John? Was it not possible to stop, Tom? This cloth wants washing.

Слайд 11 [ o: ] ball call draw small sport daughter

[ o: ] ball call draw small sport daughter porter of

porter of course door floor storm talk order naughty

four The porter’s daughter caught a small tortoise. Many words hurt more than swords. Is this ball big or small? It’s all your fault. To talk to George is like talking to the wall. Call me at a quarter to four. Your daughters are all tall. Could you show me the shortest way to the port? I caught a cold when I walked along the shore.  

Слайд 12 [ ou ] coat home no radio piano only

[ ou ] coat home no radio piano only hope

hope don’t open go low suppose old own Oh,

no! Don’t go home alone. Nobody knows how lonely the road is. Rose won’t go home alone, I suppose. Soames never boasts of what he knows, and Rose never knows of what she boasts. So the old boat floated slowly to the coast. - You can phone me tomorrow. - When can I phone you? – It’s going to turn cold. - Think so? – Shall we go boating? - Tomorrow?

Слайд 13 [ oi ] boy Roy joy toy voice noise

[ oi ] boy Roy joy toy voice noise choice oil

choice oil soil toil annoy poison destroy exploit The

noise is annoying. Join me in the voyage. It’s beyond the point. What’s the boiling point of oil? Small boys like noise-making toys. Roy was annoyed with the boy because he’d spoiled his toy.

Слайд 14 [ ə: ] girl bird work learn nurse first

[ ə: ] girl bird work learn nurse first worth

worth fur firm verb verse word university thirty-first Thursday –

Are your girls learning German? - Yes, very earnestly. – It’s my birthday today. - Very many happy returns! – Which do you prefer? - The lower birth, of course. – Can I have a word with you? - Certainly. – I’ve missed my turn. - Serves you right.

Слайд 15 [ ŋ ] young tongue among long song

[ ŋ ] young tongue among long song wrong ring

wrong ring sing bang sang rang morning evening language

frank thanks Spades for digging, Pens for writing, Ears for hearing, Teeth for biting. Eyes for seeing, Legs for walking, Tongues for tasting, And for talking.

Слайд 16 [ au ] house brown how down now shout

[ au ] house brown how down now shout about

about town pound found sound without mouse fountain – I

have to go out now. - How long will you be out? – I gave him a pound to buy a fountain pen. - A pound won’t be enough. – Some flowers for you. - How nice! How sweet of you! – I really must go now. - Well, good bye, Powel.

Слайд 17 [ ai ] write kind nice why cry my

[ ai ] write kind nice why cry my buy

buy pie sign lie mine five time light white I

like life. Buy my nice pies. Tigers and lions bite. Science fights lies. Out of sight out of mind. Stop piping the eye like the crocodile. The island is nine miles long and five miles wide. The climate is pretty mild in Ireland. I should like you to write your reply on Friday.

Слайд 18 [ θ ] three think thank you everything

[ θ ] three think thank you everything third thirty

third thirty thin thousand mouth fifth twelfth north One,

two three we are free. I think they both have a toothache. Susan thinks that this is a bit thick. Fred fried three fresh fish. A thousand thanks to you both. Thomas thinks of terrible things, of nothing but death in a month. I have a thousand and one thing to ask you. I must speak the truth and nothing but truth.

Слайд 19 [ ð ] this that then there they with

[ ð ] this that then there they with them

them mother father What is this And what is

that? This is a dog And that is a cat. This one. That one. Go there. This is the thing. This is the story. With love. With me. With mother. Clothes. They gathered all the brothers. – Does the noise bother you? - Rather. – It all depends on the weather. - Why does it depend on the weather. – What shall I do with these things? - Take them out and clean them.

Слайд 20 [ w ] why wife what when where white

[ w ] why wife what when where white window

window woman women swim quickly twelve Walter was with

us when we went away Walter always knows what’s what. – No sign of William yet. - He always keeps us waiting. – What did you think of the equipment? - It was wonderful! – What do you think, Walter? - Does it matter what I think?

Слайд 21 [ r ] room to rent a room write

[ r ] room to rent a room write red read

red read rugby ring restaurant very sorry brown foreign

railway – I am terribly worried about that. - Why should it worry you? – This is my new radio set. - Is it really? – I am most terribly sorry! - You have no reason to be. Rack your brains. Very true. Rather curious. It’s rather strange, yet true. When angry count a hundred. - You have no reason to be. There is neither rhyme nor reason in it. She never really looks very well.

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