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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Инки

Inca territory covered all the land from the southern regions of present-day Colombia to Argentina and reached a length of 5000 km. However, in other parts of the world nobody even knew about the existence of
The ancient civilization of the Incas.Made by Maryia AnosovaLyceum №4Form 10a Inca territory covered all the land from the southern regions of present-day Looked like the Incas.The Incas were broad-shouldered, small, strong. They had bushy Clothing of the Incas. They studied medicine and printing.They were engaged in agriculture and livestock. They The Incas Empire had a clear administrative division and well-established economy.What can Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Inca territory covered all the land from the

Inca territory covered all the land from the southern regions of

southern regions of present-day Colombia to Argentina and reached

a length of 5000 km. However, in other parts of the world nobody even knew about the existence of their state.

Where and when they lived.

The flourishing civilization of the Incas began in the period 1200 - 1572.

Слайд 3 Looked like the Incas.
The Incas were broad-shouldered, small,

Looked like the Incas.The Incas were broad-shouldered, small, strong. They had

strong. They had bushy eyebrows, big lips, pointed chin.


Слайд 4 Clothing of the Incas.

Clothing of the Incas.

Слайд 5 They studied medicine and printing.

They were engaged in

They studied medicine and printing.They were engaged in agriculture and livestock.

agriculture and livestock. They cultivated the same plants and

the same animals as everywhere in Peru. Natural conditions were forced to create irrigation facilities: dams, canals.

Lifestyles of the Incas.

Слайд 6 The Incas Empire had a clear administrative division

The Incas Empire had a clear administrative division and well-established economy.What

and well-established economy.
What can we learn from the Incas?

and theft were pletelcomy absent.

Not only a well-developed network, but also an extensive system of roads was established in the Incas.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-inki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 189
  • Количество скачиваний: 3