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Презентация на тему Spotlight 9 (4 модуль)

Mythical creaturesDo you believe there are mysterious creatures?What books or films do you know about them?Do you believe in ghosts?What are some famous ghosts?
Before we start… Mythical creaturesDo you believe there are mysterious creatures?What books or films do Dreams&Nightmares Do you think dreams mean something?Do you ever have the same Современные технологииTechnology Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) Айзек АзимовIsaac Asimov was an American author and professor 'I, Robot'An influential vision came with 1950 release, the story collection ‘I, Look at the jumbled words, make up questions using them. Then answer To perform a taskВыполнять заданиеРазделяться (о мнении)Be dividedCater for one`s needУдовлетворять ч-л RobotsWhat images spring to your mind when you hear the word “robot”? Robots Which movie robot is your favourite?  What would you like Ways of talking about the future Future Perfect ContinuousWill have been+VingУпотребляется для выражения длительного будущего действия, которое начнется Other ways to express the future Time clauses – придаточные предложения времениPresent Simple, Present Perfect	Вводятся при помощи слов Clauses of purpose – придаточные предложения целиВводятся при помощи:to/in order to/so as Clauses of result – придаточные предложения следствия
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Mythical creatures
Do you believe there are mysterious creatures?

Mythical creaturesDo you believe there are mysterious creatures?What books or films

books or films do you know about them?
Do you

believe in ghosts?
What are some famous ghosts?

Слайд 3 Dreams&Nightmares
Do you think dreams mean something?
Do you

Dreams&Nightmares Do you think dreams mean something?Do you ever have the

ever have the same dream over and over again?

is the worst nightmare you have ever had?

Слайд 4 Современные технологии

Современные технологииTechnology

Слайд 5 Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) Айзек Азимов
Isaac Asimov was an American

Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) Айзек АзимовIsaac Asimov was an American author and

author and professor of biochemistry
He was best known for

his works of science fiction and for his popular science books

Слайд 6 'I, Robot'
An influential vision came with 1950 release,

'I, Robot'An influential vision came with 1950 release, the story collection

the story collection ‘I, Robot’, which looked at human

relationships and featured the Three Laws of Robotics.
Asimov would later be credited with coming up with the term "robotics"

Слайд 7 Look at the jumbled words, make up questions

Look at the jumbled words, make up questions using them. Then

using them. Then answer the questions to the text

on p. 58, SB.
does/ the/ how/ reflect/ title/ content/ the?
is/ it/ to/ why/ difficult/ a/ robot/ invent/ thinking?
is/ Honda’s/ what/ experience?

Слайд 9 To perform a task
Выполнять задание
Разделяться (о мнении)
Be divided

To perform a taskВыполнять заданиеРазделяться (о мнении)Be dividedCater for one`s needУдовлетворять

for one`s need
Удовлетворять ч-л нужды
Решать проблему
Overcome a problem
Power of


Спос-ть к умозаключениям

Эмоц. реакция

Emotional response

Nuclear power

Атомн. энергия

Образная речь

Figurative speech

Artificial brain

Искусственный разум


Household robot

To obey orders

Подчиняться приказам


Инженер, создающий роботов

Слайд 10 Robots
What images spring to your mind when you

RobotsWhat images spring to your mind when you hear the word

hear the word “robot”?
Will robots take over

the world one day?
The West sees robots as menacing (угроза), Japan sees them as helpful. How about you?

Слайд 11 Robots
Which movie robot is your favourite?

Robots Which movie robot is your favourite? What would you like

What would you like your robot to do?

Will robots ever be like humans?

Слайд 15 Ways of talking about the future

Ways of talking about the future

Слайд 17 Future Perfect Continuous
Will have been+Ving
Употребляется для выражения длительного

Future Perfect ContinuousWill have been+VingУпотребляется для выражения длительного будущего действия, которое

будущего действия, которое начнется ранее другого будущего действия
By this

time next week I will have been taking my exam for a hour

Слайд 18 Other ways to express the future

Other ways to express the future

Слайд 19 Time clauses – придаточные предложения времени
Present Simple, Present

Time clauses – придаточные предложения времениPresent Simple, Present Perfect	Вводятся при помощи

Вводятся при помощи слов и выражений: while, before, after,

until/till (до), as, when, whenever (всякий раз когда), once, as soon as, as long as, by the time
Формы будущего времени употребляются с when, if/whether (после I don`t know, I doubt, I wonder, I`m not sure - неуверенность, незнание)

Слайд 20 Clauses of purpose – придаточные предложения цели
Вводятся при

Clauses of purpose – придаточные предложения целиВводятся при помощи:to/in order to/so

to/in order to/so as to + infinitive
So that (поэтому)+can/will

(значение настоящего/будущего)
So that+could/would (значение прошлого)
With the view to/with the aim of+-ing form

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-spotlight-9-4-modul.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 332
  • Количество скачиваний: 27